
Packers' Head Coach Matt LaFleur Named EdjSports Coach of the Year for the Second Consecutive Year

Packers' Head Coach Matt LaFleur Named EdjSports Coach of the Year for the Second Consecutive Year

Newsfile Corp. ·  2022/02/10 17:10

Frank Reich, Brandon Staley, Andy Reid and Sean McDermott Round out Top Five. Joe Judge, Mike Tomlin and David Culley Comprise the Bottom Three


Super Bowl LVI Head Coaches, Sean McVay and Zac Taylor, Finished Nos. 14 and 19, Respectively

超级碗LVI主教练肖恩·麦克维(Sean McVay)和扎克·泰勒(Zac Taylor)分别排在第14位和第19位

Louisville, Kentucky and New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - February 10, 2022) - Champion Gaming Group Inc. (TSXV: WAGR) (formerly, Prime City One Capital Corp.) ("Champion Gaming" or the "Company") announced today that EdjSports, Champion Gaming's premier sports intelligence firm leveraging its predictive and prescriptive analytical models and win probability applications, named Green Bay Packers' Head Coach, Matt LaFleur, as its 2021 EdjSports Coach of the Year. This marks the second consecutive year LaFluer has won this award.

肯塔基州路易斯维尔和纽约纽约--(Newsfile Corp.-2022年2月10日)-冠军游戏集团公司(TSXV:WAGR)(前身为Prime City One Capital Corp.)冠军游戏公司(“Champion Gaming”或“公司”)今天宣布,冠军游戏公司(Champion Gaming)的领先体育情报公司EdjSports利用其预测和规范的分析模型和获胜概率应用程序,提名Green Bay Packer的主教练Matt LaFleur为其2021年EdjSports年度最佳教练。这标志着LaFluer连续第二年获得该奖项。

Colts' Head Coach, Frank Reich, who was in the top spot through Week 17, finished second. Chargers' Head Coach, Brandon Staley, who finished first in CCI (Offensive Play Calling Ranking), came in third overall. Chiefs' Head Coach, Andy Reid, and Bills' Head Coach, Sean McDermott, round out the top five in the 2021 EdjSports Coach Rankings.

小马队的主教练弗兰克·赖克(Frank Reich)在第17周一直位居榜首,获得第二名。充电队的主教练布兰登·斯特利(Brandon Staley)在CCI(进攻战术呼叫排名)中排名第一,总体排名第三。在2021年EdjSports教练排行榜上,酋长的主教练安迪·里德和比尔的主教练肖恩·麦克德莫特跻身前五名。

The bottom five this year include Giants' Head Coach, Joe Judge, at No. 32, Steelers' Head Coach, Mike Tomlin, at No. 31, Texans' Head Coach, David Culley, at No. 30, Vikings' Head Coach, Mike Zimmer, at No. 29 and Saints' Head Coach, Sean Payton, at No. 28.

今年的倒数五名包括巨人队主教练乔·贾奇(Joe贾奇)排名第32,钢人队主教练迈克·汤姆林(Mike Tomlin)排名第31,德克萨斯人主教练大卫·卡利(David Culley)排名第30,维京队主教练迈克·齐默(Mike Zimmer)排名第29,圣徒队(Saints)主教练肖恩·佩顿(Sean Payton)排名第28。

Figure 1


"Matt LaFleur repeats as our Coach of the Year," said Frank Frigo, Champion Gaming's Chief Innovation Officer and Co-Founder of EdjSports. "Despite a number of key injuries, the Packers still managed to finish the season with an excellent 13-4 record. LaFleur's accuracy in 4th down decision making was remarkably consistent with last season when he also received Coach of the Year honors. He was one of only two coaches (Andy Reid being the other) that finished in the top 8 in both EPI (Edj power index measuring team performance) and CCI (Critical call index measuring 4th down decisions). While his overall rankings were slightly off the levels of the 2020-2021 season, this was more a reflection of the rising tide of analytics in the NFL. Congratulations Coach LaFleur!"

冠军游戏公司(Champion Gaming)首席创新官、EdjSports联合创始人弗兰克·弗里戈(Frank Frigo)说:“马特·拉弗勒(Matt LaFleur)再次成为我们的年度最佳教练。”“尽管有一些关键的伤病,包装者仍然设法以13胜4负的出色战绩结束了本赛季。拉夫勒在4胜4负的情况下准确率很高。”他的决定与上赛季非常一致,当时他还获得了年度最佳教练的荣誉。他是仅有的两位在EPI(衡量团队表现的EDJ力量指数)和CCI(关键呼叫指数衡量4)的前8名教练(安迪·里德是另一位)之一向下决定)。虽然他的整体排名略低于2020-2021赛季的水平,但这更多地反映了NFL日益高涨的分析浪潮。祝贺拉弗勒教练!“

The EdjSports Coach of the Year rankings is created using two proprietary data models:


  1. Edj Power Indexes (EPI) Ranking
    • This is a cumulative ranking of the Edj Power Indexes (EPIs) including Offensive Pass, Offensive Rush, Defensive Pass and Defensive Rush. This ranking is a reflection of how teams performed in every situation during the season.
  2. Offensive Play Calling (CCI) Ranking
    • This ranking is based on an analysis of offensive play calling on 4th downs and compares teams in terms of GWC (Game Winning Call) lost or gained, on a normalized basis, so that all teams are given the same test. Additionally, the CCI rankings are adjusted to account for the frequency and situational nature of critical calls to allow for fair comparisons of all 32 teams.
  1. EDJ电力指数(EPI)排名
    • 这是EDJ力量指数(EPI)的累积排名,包括进攻性传球、进攻性冲刺、防御性传球和防御性冲刺。这一排名反映了球队在本赛季各种情况下的表现。
  2. 进攻战术呼叫(CCI)排名
    • 这一排名是基于对4次进攻打法的分析得出的。在标准化的基础上,根据GWC(游戏制胜呼叫)的输赢情况对所有球队进行降级和比较,以便所有的球队都接受相同的测试。此外,CCI排名还进行了调整,以考虑关键呼叫的频率和情景性质,以便对所有32支球队进行公平比较。

In addition to the EdjSports Coach of the Year, this year EdjSports has unveiled its 2021 Coach Awards:


  • Confident but Weak (High CCI low EPI) - Dan Campbell
  • Scared but Strong (Low CCI and High EPI) - Bill Belichick
  • Rookie HC of the Year - Nick Sirianni
  • Comeback Coach of the Year (best improvement) - Mike Vrabel
  • Moving On Up Award (most promising outlook) - Dan Campbell
  • Fine Work Award (most middle of the pack award) - Vic Fangio
  • Grace Under Fire Award (coach who made the gutsiest call and took a lot of flak for it) - Brandon Staley
  • "It was time to make a change" (coaching in memoriam - best of fired coaches) - Matt Nagy
  • Kept Fighting Out There (coach we are most proud of) - Brandon Staley
  • Home Field Protector (best call was at home) - John Harbaugh, Week 2 vs. Kansas City
  • Road Warrior (best call was on the road) - Matt LaFleur, Week 8 at Arizona
  • "They were who we thought they were" (most predictable) - Pete Carroll
  • 自信但软弱(高CCI低EPI)-丹·坎贝尔
  • 害怕但强大(低CCI和高EPI)-Bill Belichick
  • 年度最佳新秀HC-尼克·西里安尼
  • 年度最佳复出教练(最佳进步)-迈克·弗拉贝尔
  • 更上一层楼奖(最有希望的前景)-丹·坎贝尔
  • 精品奖(最中间奖)-维克·范吉奥(Vic Fangio)
  • 火线下风度奖(做出最勇敢的决定并为此遭受猛烈抨击的教练)-布兰登·斯特利(Brandon Staley)
  • “是时候做出改变了”(纪念教练--被解雇教练中最好的)--马特·纳吉(Matt Nagy)
  • 一直在那里战斗(我们最引以为豪的教练)-布兰登·斯特利(Brandon Staley)
  • 主场保护者(最好的电话是在家里)-约翰·哈博,第二周对阵堪萨斯城
  • 公路勇士(最佳电话是在路上)-马特·拉弗勒,第8周在亚利桑那州
  • “他们就是我们认为的那个人”(最可预测的)--皮特·卡罗尔(Pete Carroll)

A video taking a deep dive into the final 2021 EdjSports Coach Rankings and full awards by Champion Gaming Brand Ambassador, Katie George, and EdjSports senior data analyst, Ian O'Connor, can be viewed at

冠军游戏品牌大使凯蒂·乔治(Katie George)和EdjSports高级数据分析师伊恩·奥康纳(Ian O‘Connor)深入探讨2021年EdjSports教练排行榜和全部奖项的视频可以在以下网址观看

About the EdjSports Coach Rankings
EdjSports analyzes every coaching decision during the course of a season. The EdjFootball model enables an in-depth examination of all critical calls (4th downs, PATs and kickoffs), in terms of the amount of GWC at stake. The coach's play-calling choices (run, pass, field goal, punt) are assessed at the point of decision (pre-snap) and rated with respect to their impact on winning the game. As a result of this process, all play calling decisions can be objectively classified as either optimal decisions (correct calls) or suboptimal decisions (errors).


About Champion Gaming
Champion Gaming is a sports content, data and analytics company that provides predictive and prescriptive analytical models and win probability applications and statistics in the sports industry for teams, media, fans and bettors. The sports analytical and data solutions currently offered by Champion to its customers include a fully customized probability engine, interactive sports matchup models, spread and over/under distributions and sports statistics and historical data statistics. Properties include, Football Outsiders, EdjVarsity.

冠军游戏公司是一家体育内容、数据和分析公司,为球队、媒体、球迷和投注者提供预测性和说明性的分析模型,并在体育行业中赢得概率应用和统计。冠军公司目前向其客户提供的体育分析和数据解决方案包括一个完全定制的概率引擎、交互式体育比赛模型、分布范围和上下分布以及体育统计和历史数据统计。属性包括、Football Outsiders、EdjVarthy。

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Further information on Champion Gaming can be found at . Ongoing financial and disclosure documents can be found on SEDAR at .


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Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance of the Corporation. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "may", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Corporation's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, this release contains forward-looking information relating to the ability of the Corporation to successfully manage the risks inherent in pursuing business opportunities in the online gaming industry, and the ability of the Corporation to obtain qualified staff, equipment and services in a timely and cost-efficient manner to develop its business, the state of the capital markets, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to the parties. Forward-looking information necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Such risks and factors include, but are not limited to, the risk that the Corporation's management is unable to obtain qualified staff, equipment and services in a timely and cost-efficient manner to develop its business. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof and the parties are not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

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T: 502.510.1505

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