
Want To Bet Against Tesla? There Could Be A New Inverse ETF For Traders

Want To Bet Against Tesla? There Could Be A New Inverse ETF For Traders

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2022/02/17 17:36

An ETF filed Thursday would bet against one of the most loved stocks and companies and could create a battle with the world's richest person.


What Happened: Direxion filed an ETF called Direxion Daily TSLA Bear 1X Shares. The ETF would bet against Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) on a daily basis and provide exposure to investors who believe the price of Tesla will fall or those looking for a hedge against a long TSLA position.

发生了什么:Direxion提交了一只ETF,名为迪瑞克西翁日报特斯拉熊市1倍股。ETF会做空特斯拉公司纳斯达克(Tesla:Temasek Holdings)每天都在关注特斯拉,并向认为特斯拉价格将会下跌的投资者或那些寻求对冲特斯拉多头头寸的投资者提供敞口。

The filing was shared by Eric Balchunas, the Senior ETF Analyst at Bloomberg.


Direxion's filing follows a filing for the Innovation Hedged Tesla ETF that's seeking to buy and sell call options in Tesla. The fund would invest 20% in calls on Tesla shares and put the rest of the capital into U.S. Treasury bills. The ETF would trade with the ticker TSLH.

Direxion的申请是在提交给创新 对冲特斯拉ETF这是为了买卖特斯拉的看涨期权。该基金将把20%的资金投资于特斯拉股票的看涨期权,其余资金将投入美国国库券。该ETF将以股票代码TSLH进行交易。

AXS Investments filed in January for leveraged and inverse ETFs for each of nine individual stocks. The company is seeking to offer bullish and bearish ETFs on Boeing Inc (NYSE:BA), ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP), Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE), NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA), Paypal Corp (NASDAQ:PYPL), Pfizer Inc (NYSE:PFE), (NYSE:CRM), Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) and Tesla.

AXS Investments在1月份申请了9只个股中每只股票的杠杆ETF和反向ETF。该公司正寻求提供看涨和看跌的ETF波音公司(纽约证券交易所代码:BA),康菲石油(纽约证券交易所代码:COP),耐克(纽约证券交易所代码:NKE),英伟达(纳斯达克:NVDA),贝宝公司(PayPal Corp)(纳斯达克:PYPL),辉瑞(纽约证券交易所代码:PFE),纽约证券交易所代码:CRM),富国银行(Wells Fargo)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:WFC)和特斯拉。

Related Link: Want To Bet Against Cathie Wood? There's A New ETF For That 


Why It's Important: None of the individual stock leveraged and inverse ETFs have hit the market yet and could face hurdles for getting approved.


The ETFs are likely considered due to demand from investors to bet heavily on certain stocks falling or gaining over a short time period.


Direxion already offers several 3x leveraged ETFs allowing investors to bet on the bullish or bearish side for indexes like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500, international markets like the FTSE China index and on certain sectors like financials and semiconductors.

Direxion已经提供了几只3倍杠杆ETF,允许投资者押注于道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)和标准普尔500指数(S&P500)等指数、富时中国指数(FTSE China Index)等国际市场以及金融和半导体等某些行业的看涨或看跌。

In late 2021, Tuttle Capital launched the inverse ETF to the popular Cathie Wood-led Ark Innovation ETF (NYSE:ARKK).

2021年末,塔特尔资本(Tuttle Capital)推出了面向大众的反向ETF凯西·伍德(凯瑟琳·伍德) 方舟创新ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:ARKK)。

Tuttle Capital Short Innovation ETF (NASDAQ:SARK) is up 21% year-to-date compared to a 23% drop in ARKK shares year-to-date. Tesla is the largest holding in ARKK at 8.7% of assets.

塔特尔资本做空创新ETF纳斯达克(Standard Chartered Bank:SACK)今年迄今上涨了21%,而方舟股价年初迄今下跌了23%。特斯拉是Arkk最大的持股,占资产的8.7%。

Tesla shares are down 12.6% in 2022. Shares have increased over 1,600% over the last five years and over 13,000% in the last 10 years.


Creating a short Tesla ETF could create an enemy in Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the world's richest man. Musk often shares his opinions on Twitter and we await his reaction to the newly filed ETF.


TSLA Price Action: Shares trade around $876.35. Shares have traded between $539.49 and $1,243.49 over the last 52 weeks.


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