
SPC Nickel Provides Update on 2022 Exploration Programs

SPC Nickel Provides Update on 2022 Exploration Programs

SPC Nickel提供2022年勘探计划的更新
newsfile ·  2022/04/05 08:06

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 5, 2022) - SPC Nickel Corp. (TSXV: SPC) ("SPC Nickel" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on its fully funded 2022 exploration program, which will focus on its nickel properties in Ontario and Nunavut. In addition, remaining assay results from the 2021-2022 Aer-Kidd exploration program are also included.

安大略省萨德伯里-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年4月5日)-SPC镍公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SPC)(“SPC镍”“公司”)很高兴提供其全额资助的2022年勘探计划的最新情况,该计划将重点放在其在安大略省和努纳武特的镍矿上。此外,2021-2022年Aer-Kidd勘探计划的剩余化验结果也包括在内。



  • Lockerby East Project - Sudbury Basin
    • Hosts the shallow West Graham historical resource (non-compliant) comprised of 8.55Mt @ 0.45% Ni, 0.31% Cu (indicated) and 2.00Mt @ 0.38% Ni, 0.30% Cu1 (inferred).
    • Definable high-grade zone with values greater than 1% NiEq over minable widths.
    • 4,200 metres of drilling are planned in 2022 to better define the higher-grade portion of the resource.
    • Updated resource estimate by year end.
  • Muskox Project - Nunavut
    • Represents one of the last camp-scale Ni-Cu-PGM opportunities in North America.
    • Includes the highly prospective, 100% controlled, 60 km long Feeder Dyke that hosts two broad zones (3 to 4 km in strike length) of high-grade mineralization at Spider Lake and Marceau Lake areas where grab samples with values up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu, 7.61 g/t PGM and 2.18% Ni, 2.13% Cu, 2.22 g/t PGM2 were respectively reported.
    • Planned 2022 summer mapping and sampling program in late June to define targets for focused exploration work in 2023.
  • Janes Project - Sudbury Area
    • Widespread Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization associated with a regionally extensive Nipissing diabase sill where drilling in 2021 returned values of up to 0.51% Ni, 1.04% Cu and 5.10 g/t PGM over 9.0 metres3.
    • Exploration plans scheduled for May include ground geophysical surveying on a large previously untested area, followed by exploration drilling commencing in the fall.
  • 洛克比东部项目-萨德伯里盆地
    • 托管由以下内容组成的浅层West Graham历史资源(不符合)8.55Mt@0.45%镍,0.31%铜(注明)及2.00Mt@0.38%镍,0.30%铜1(推断)。
    • 可定义的高品位区,其值在可开采宽度上大于1%的NiEq。
    • 2022年计划钻探4200米,以更好地界定该资源的高品位部分。
    • 在年底前更新资源估计数。
  • Muskox项目--努纳武特
    • 是北美最后几个阵营规模的镍-铜-PGM机会之一。
    • 包括极具远景的、100%控制的60公里长的支线堤坝,该堤坝在蜘蛛湖和马尔索湖地区拥有两个大范围的高品位矿化带(走向长度为3至4公里),采集的样品价值高达5.39%镍、2.88%铜、7.61克/吨 PGM2.18%镍、2.13%铜、2.22g/t PGM2分别报道了两种病原。
    • 计划于6月下旬实施2022年夏季测绘和采样计划,以确定2023年重点勘探工作的目标。
  • Janes项目-萨德伯里地区
    • 广泛的Ni-Cu-PGM矿化与区域广泛的Nipissing辉绿岩床有关,2021年的钻探返回的价值高达9.0米以上含0.51%镍、1.04%铜和5.10g/t PGM3.
    • 计划于5月份进行的勘探计划包括在一大片以前未经测试的区域进行地面地球物理测量,随后将于秋季开始勘探钻探。

Grant Mourre, CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. commented, "With the recent closing of a $3.16 million financing, we are fully funded for this year's expansive exploration programs with a focus on making new discoveries and adding value for our shareholders. Our primary focus will be on the Lockerby East Project where we feel that, with the planned work, we can establish a shallow nickel sulphide resource in a world-class stable mining camp. Additionally, our Muskox Project, provides the Company an opportunity to make a significant discovery in an underexplored camp-scale Ni-Cu-PGM belt. The coming year is poised to be an exciting year for the company with the potential for discovery on multiple fronts."




Lockerby East (Ni-Cu-PGM) - Sudbury Basin


The Lockerby East Project hosts both the West Graham and Lockerby East Ni-Cu-PGM deposits. In 2009, First Nickel Inc. disclosed a 43-101 resource estimate1 for the West Graham resource, see Table 1.

洛克比东部项目同时拥有西格雷厄姆和洛克比东部镍-铜-铂矿。2009年,First Nickel Inc.披露了43-101的资源估计1有关West Graham资源,请参见表1。

Table 1: 2009 West Graham Mineral Resource as stated by First Nickel Inc.1

表1:First Nickel Inc.声明的2009年西格雷厄姆矿产资源。1

Note: The Company considers these resource estimates to be historic mineral resources for purposes of NI 43-101. Neither the Company nor a qualified person on behalf of the Company have done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources and the Company is not treating such historical estimates as current mineral resources. The Company considers the historic mineral resource estimates to be relevant to an understanding of the West Graham Property but has not done any work to validate the estimates.

注:就NI 43-101而言,本公司认为这些资源估计为历史矿产资源。本公司或代表本公司的合资格人士均未做足够的工作以将该等历史估计归类为现有矿产资源,而本公司并无将该等历史估计视为当前矿产资源。本公司认为该历史矿产资源估计与对West Graham地产的了解有关,但并未进行任何工作以验证该估计。

Within the broader envelope of blebby to semi-massive sulphides that makes up the West Graham deposit a distinct zone of zone of higher-grade mineralization in excess of 1% NiEq is present. As an example, drill hole WG-26 intersected a broad zone of mineralization grading 0.73% Ni, 0.28% Cu over 71.33 metres1 (from 56.69 metres) that also hosted a higher-grade section that returned 1.09% Ni, 0.41% Cu over 39.47 metres1.


Lockerby East exploration plans for 2022 include:


  • Approximately 4,200 metres in fourteen holes focused on further defining the high-grade portion of the West Graham deposit.
  • A borehole geophysical program designed to evaluate the 500 metre "Gap Zone' between the West Graham and Lockerby East deposits.
  • 在14个洞中长约4,200米,重点是进一步确定西格雷厄姆矿床的高品位部分。
  • 一项旨在评估西格雷厄姆和洛克比东部矿藏之间500米“缺口地带”的钻孔地球物理计划。

Janes (Ni-Cu-PGM) - Sudbury Area


At the Janes Property located 50 km northeast of Sudbury, the Company completed in 2021, a program of ground geophysics, trenching, mapping, geochemical sampling and diamond drilling to further test and evaluate a series of historic high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM showings. Two areas, called the Trench 1 and Trench 4 zones were mechanically stripped and sampled. Highlights from that work include 0.50% Ni, 1.09% Cu, 3.09 g/t PGM4 over 22.0 metres at Trench 1 and 0.78% Ni, 0.66% Cu, 5.51 g/t PGM over 6.0 metres at Trench 4. A 650 metre, 16-hole drill program completed at the Trench 1 zone further defined the extent and continuity of the mineralized zone. Highlights included JP-21-001 that intersected 0.51% Ni, 1.04% Cu and 5.10 g/t PGM over 9.0 metres3. The objective of the 2022 program is to use the proven toolbox of exploration techniques on the remaining portion of the Janes Property.
Janes exploration plans for 2022 include:

在萨德伯里东北50公里处的Janes矿区,公司于2021年完成了一项地面地球物理、挖沟、测绘、地球化学采样和钻石钻探项目,以进一步测试和评估一系列历史性的高品位镍-铜-铂矿。有两个区域,称为海沟1区和海沟4区,被机械剥离并取样。这项工作的亮点包括0.50%的镍,1.09%的铜,3.09克/吨的PGM4在1号海沟超过22.0米,在4号海沟超过6.0米,含0.78%镍、0.66%铜、5.51 g/t PGM。在1号海沟完成的650米16孔钻探计划进一步确定了矿化带的范围和连续性。亮点包括JP-21-001,它在9.0米范围内相交于0.51%镍、1.04%铜和5.10g/t PGM3。2022年计划的目标是在Janes地产的剩余部分使用经过验证的勘探技术工具箱。

  • Approximately 30 km of line cutting followed by ground geophysical surveys, geological mapping, trenching and geochemical sampling program.
  • Targets generated from this work will be systematically evaluated as part of a planned 1,000 metre fall drill program.
  • 约30公里的线切割,随后进行地面地球物理调查、地质填图、挖沟和化探采样计划。
  • 这项工作产生的目标将作为计划中的1000米坠落演习计划的一部分进行系统评估。



Muskox (Ni-Cu-PGM) - Nunavut


In 2021, SPC announce the acquisition5 of over 45,000 hectares of ground covering a considerable proportion of Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Additionally, SPC also acquired a large comprehensive database related to the exploration of Muskox Intrusion. The Muskox Intrusion is one of the world's largest, layered, mafic/ultramafic igneous complexes and is comparable in size, composition, and interpreted tectonic environment to other mafic/ultramafic intrusions which host major Ni-Cu-PGM deposits, such as Norilsk-Talnakh, Voisey's Bay and Jinchuan. The presence of numerous high-grade sulphide showings within the exposed portion of the Muskox Intrusion indicates that the magmatic processes which are necessary for the formation of Ni-Cu-PGM ores were operational during crystallization of the Muskox Intrusion.

2021年,SPC宣布收购5位于努纳武特的45,000多公顷土地覆盖了麝香入侵的相当大一部分地区。此外,SPC还获得了一个与探索Muskox入侵有关的大型综合数据库。Muskox侵入岩是世界上最大的层状镁铁质/超镁铁质火成岩杂岩之一,在大小、成分和解释的构造环境上与其他镁铁质/超镁铁质侵入岩类似,这些侵入岩拥有主要的Ni-Cu-PGM矿床,如诺里尔斯克-塔尔纳赫、Voisey‘s Bay和金川。在Muskox侵入体裸露部分内存在大量高品位硫化物显示,这表明形成Ni-Cu-PGM矿石所必需的岩浆过程在Muskox侵入体结晶期间是运行的。

In 2022, SPC provided an update of activities2 on the Muskox Property that included historic assay results contained within the recently acquired Muskox database. The results indicated widespread high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization along the 60 km strike length of the Muskox Feeder Dyke. Two broad zones (3 to 4 km in strike length) of high-grade mineralization were identified at both the Spider Lake and Marceau Lake areas where grab samples with values up to 5.39% Ni, 2.88% Cu, 7.61 g/t PGM and 2.18% Ni, 2.13% Cu, 2.22 g/t PGM were respectively reported.

2022年,SPC提供了活动的最新情况2关于Muskox财产,包括最近收购的Muskox数据库中包含的历史分析结果。结果表明,沿麝香支线围岩走向60公里范围内,普遍存在高品位的Ni-Cu-PGM矿化。在蜘蛛湖和马尔索湖地区都发现了两个宽广的高品位矿化带(走向长度为3到4公里),那里的采样值高达5.39%镍、2.88%铜、7.61g/t PGM2.18%镍、2.13%铜、2.22g/t PGM分别报道了两种病原。

Note that grab samples are selective by nature and values reported may not be representative of mineralized zones.

Muskox exploration plans for 2022 include:



  • Permitting and consultation for the 2022 and 2023 field seasons.
  • Reprocessing and remodelling of historic ground and airborne geophysical data collected over the Muskox Feeder Dyke.
  • Continued evaluation of the data contained within the comprehensive Muskox database.
  • Target generation
  • Implementation of the 2022 summer mapping and sampling program in late June.
  • 2022年和2023年田径季的许可和协商。
  • 对在马斯科克斯支线堤坝上收集的历史地面和航空地球物理数据进行再处理和改造。
  • 继续评价Muskox综合数据库所载数据。
  • 目标世代
  • 6月下旬实施2022年夏季测绘抽样方案。

Aer-Kidd Drill Results


In March of 2021, the Company announced the start of a 15,050-metre drill program on the Company's Aer-Kidd Project. The program looked to further evaluate the prospective Howland, Robinson and Rosen mineralized trends for Ni-Cu-PGM bearing massive sulphide mineralization. The program was completed in February of 2022 with a total of 14,111 metres drilled in 14 holes. A complete list of assay results from the 2021 program are presented in Table 2. Holes AK-21-037 and AK-21-039 were previously released6.


Grant Mourre, CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. commented, "We are encouraged by the results from the Aer-Kidd Program which continue to confirm the property's potential to host intervals of high-grade Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization within broad zones of disseminated to blebby sulphides. The work to date has identified several mineralized areas that would benefit from additional drilling as well as prospective portions of the property that remain untested. Given that the Aer-Kidd Property is located between two world class Ni deposits, including the Totten and Victoria Mines, we feel the property remains a very valuable asset for the Company."

SPC镍公司首席执行官兼总裁格兰特·穆尔评论道我们对Aer-Kidd项目的结果感到鼓舞,该项目继续证实该项目在广泛的浸染到气泡状硫化物区域内存在高品位镍-铜-铂族元素矿化的潜力。到目前为止,工作已经确定了几个将受益于额外钻探的矿化区,以及该项目仍未经过测试的预期部分。鉴于Aer-Kidd项目位于包括Totten和Victoria Mines在内的两个世界级镍矿床之间,我们认为该项目对公司来说仍然是一项非常有价值的资产。

Table 2: Assays results from drill holes completed during the 2021 program.


Note: 3E PGM represents Pd g/t + Pt g/t + Au g/t. Note that all drilling intervals are down-hole lengths. True thicknesses cannot be estimated with available information.

注:3E PGM代表Pd g/t+Pt g/t+Au g/t。请注意,所有钻井间隔都是井下长度。真正的厚度不能用现有的信息来估计。

Aer-Kidd Next Steps


Having completed the 2021 program in February, the Company will work towards updating the geological models with all the new drill hole data and work towards developing targets for 2023.




  1. NI 43-101 Report, Scott Wilson Mining, January 15, 2009, First Nickel Inc.; Technical Report on the West Graham Property Conwest Zone Resource Estimate, Graham Township, Ontario, Canada). 1
  2. Press Release SPC Nickel Corp. dated February 1st, 2022. 2
  3. Press Release SPC Nickel Corp. dated June 17th, 2021. 3
  4. Press Release SPC Nickel Corp. dated March 22nd, 2021
  5. Press Release SPC Nickel Corp. dated November 17th, 2021.
  6. Press Release SPC Nickel Corp. dated June 2nd, 2021.
  1. NI43-101报告,Scott Wilson矿业,2009年1月15日,First Nickel Inc.;West Graham Property Conwest Zone资源评估技术报告,加拿大安大略省格雷厄姆镇)。1.
  2. SPC镍公司2月1日发布的新闻稿ST, 2022. 2
  3. SPC镍公司6月17日发布的新闻稿这是, 2021. 3
  4. SPC镍公司3月22日发布的新闻稿发送, 2021
  5. SPC镍公司11月17日发布的新闻稿这是, 2021.
  6. SPC镍公司6月2日发布的新闻稿发送, 2021.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


SPC Nickel follows rigorous sampling and analytical protocols that meet or exceed industry standards. Core samples are stored in a secured area until transport in batches to the ALS facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Sample batches include certified reference materials, blank, and duplicate samples that are then processed under the control of ALS. All samples were analyzed in Vancouver by ALS Chemex. Platinum, palladium, and gold values were determined together using standard lead oxide collection fire assay and ICP-AES finish. Over limits for Pd were determined using fire assay and AAS. Base metal values were determined using sodium peroxide fusion and ICP-AES finish. Silver values were determined using an aqua regia digestions and an AAS finish. A Certified Reference Material (CRM) standard, blank or duplicate is inserted on every 10th sample in the following order: CRM, blank, CRM, duplicate. The cycle repeats every 40 samples, thus ensuring that 10% of samples submitted are control samples.

SPC镍遵循严格的采样和分析协议,达到或超过行业标准。核心样本储存在安全区域,直到分批运输到加拿大安大略省萨德伯里的ALS设施。样品批次包括经认证的标准物质、空白和复制样品,然后在ALS的控制下进行处理。所有样品都在温哥华用ALS Chemex进行了分析。铂、钯和金值的同时测定使用标准的氧化铅收集火焰分析和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析。用火焰试剂法和原子吸收光谱法测定钯的超限。用过氧化钠熔融和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析测定贱金属值。用王水消解和原子吸收光谱分析测定银值。每10个样品上按以下顺序插入认证标准物质(CRM)标准、空白或复制:CRM、空白、CRM、复制。该周期每40个样本重复一次,从而确保提交的样本中有10%是对照样本。

Qualified Person


The technical elements of this news release have been approved by Mr. Grant Mourre, P.Geo. (PGO), CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101. The historical information shown in this news release was obtained from historical work reports filed by Equinox Resources Ltd., BHP Minerals Canada Ltd and Muskox Minerals Corp. and have not been independently verified by a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43 101.

本新闻稿的技术内容已得到Grant Mourre先生,P.Geo的批准。(PGO),SPC镍公司首席执行官兼总裁,国家仪器43-101合格人员。本新闻稿中显示的历史信息来自Equinox Resources Ltd.、BHP Minerals Canada Ltd和Muskox Minerals Corp.提交的历史工作报告,未经NI 43 101定义的合格人员独立核实。

About SPC Nickel Corp.


SPC Nickel Corp. is a new Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The Company is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration projects Lockerby East and Aer-Kidd both located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp and holds an option to acquire 100% interest in the Janes Project located approximately 50 km northeast of Sudbury. In addition, the Company recently acquired over 45,000 hectares covering a considerable proportion of the high prospective Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Although our focus is on Sudbury, we are an opportunistic company always looking for opportunities to use our skills to add shareholder value. Additional information regarding the Company and its projects can be found at .

SPC镍公司是一家新成立的加拿大上市公司,专注于在世界级的萨德伯里矿营内勘探镍-铜-铂族金属。本公司目前正在勘探其100%拥有的勘探项目Lockerby East和Aer-Kidd,这两个项目均位于历史悠久的萨德伯里采矿营地的中心,并持有收购位于萨德伯里东北约50公里处的Janes项目100%权益的选择权。此外,该公司最近收购了超过45,000公顷土地,覆盖了位于努纳武特的高预期麝香入侵的相当大一部分土地。尽管我们的重点是萨德伯里,但我们是一家机会主义的公司,总是在寻找机会,利用我们的技能为股东增加价值。有关该公司及其项目的更多信息,请访问。

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Information


Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding estimated capital and operating costs, expected production timeline, benefits of updated development plans, foreign exchange assumptions and regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Further information is available at by contacting:


Grant Mourre
Chief Executive Officer
SPC Nickel Corp.
Tel: (705) 669-1777


Figure 1: Regional map showing the location of SPC Nickel's Ni-Cu-PGM Projects.


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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