
Kevin Phelps, CPA Appointed Chief Operating Officer of Arev Life Sciences Global Corporation & Warrant Offering

Kevin Phelps, CPA Appointed Chief Operating Officer of Arev Life Sciences Global Corporation & Warrant Offering

GlobeNewswire ·  2022/04/21 17:25

VANCOUVER, BC , April 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via InvestorWire -- AREV Life Sciences Global Corp. (CSE: AREV) (OTC: AREVF) ("AREV" or the "Company") AREV Life Sciences Global Corporation announced today the appointment of Kevin Phelps, CPA as Chief Operating Officer.


In its current phase of growth and development, AREV Life Sciences Global Corporation appoints Kevin Phelps, CPA and AREV Board Member to the role of Chief Operating Officer.


Kevin Phelps brings 40 years of experience in biotech and general business sectors to AREV.  He
 has served in roles as CEO, CFO and VP Business Development throughout several executive teams. His areas of expertise include business assessment and development, operations, mergers/acquisitions, business assessment, capital formation, commercialization, and franchising and licensing.


Mike Withrow CEO stated "Working with Kevin on the Board of Directors has been rewarding and it is with great pleasure we welcome Kevin to being more hands on by taking on the role of COO. I believe Kevin will bring operational systems and efficiencies to the company as we continue to expand and grow."   


Mr. Phelps' career as a CPA began at Price Waterhouse Coopers.  In 1987 he was recruited to the Eastman Kodak Company where he successfully transitioned the internal Bio Products Division into Genencor International, Inc. ("GCOR"), a free-standing industrial bio-chemicals company.  Mr. Phelps then served Genencor as Chief Financial Officer and VP of Business Development where he led the formation strategy for establishing the new company and subsequently the acquisition of two European chemical company competitors.

菲尔普斯的注册会计师生涯始于普华永道。1987年,他加入伊士曼柯达公司,成功地将内部生物产品部转变为独立的工业生物化工公司Genencor International,Inc.(“GCOR”)。菲尔普斯先生随后担任Genencor首席财务官和业务发展副总裁,领导建立新公司的组建战略,并随后收购了两家欧洲化学公司的竞争对手。

"I am excited to join the AREV management team as we enter the expansion phase in the Company's evolution.  AREV's technology and innovative management style create the foundation for dynamic growth", noted Mr. Phelps.


Following Genencor, Mr. Phelps accepted a partner role at Trillium Group private equity firm. At Trillium Group he underwrote and developed a portfolio of small-growth companies including several in drug development and medical device sectors.   Currently, Mr. Phelps is Chief Executive Officer, President and Board Member of Immune Therapeutics, Inc., an OTC listed ("IMUN") bio-pharmaceutical company. He was recruited to Immune in November 2018 as a Director and voted in as President and CEO in April 2020.

继Genencor之后,菲尔普斯接受了Trillium Group私募股权公司的合伙人职位。在Trillium Group,他承销和发展了一系列小型成长型公司,其中包括几家药物开发和医疗器械行业的公司。目前,菲尔普斯先生是免疫治疗公司的首席执行官、总裁兼董事会成员,该公司是一家在场外交易(“IMUN”)上市的生物制药公司。2018年11月,他被招募为免疫公司的董事员工,并于2020年4月当选为总裁兼首席执行官。

Mr. Phelps graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a BBA in accounting. He is a former CPA and has been active in Upstate New York venture capital community.   In addition to the Immune and AREV Boards, Mr. Phelps serves as Chairman of OyaGen, Inc. (an anti-viral company) and Treasurer of Rochester Friendly Senior Services.

菲尔普斯毕业于圣母大学,获得会计学士学位。他曾是一名注册会计师,一直活跃在纽约州北部的风险投资界。除了免疫和Arev董事会,菲尔普斯还担任OyaGen,Inc.(一家抗病毒公司)的董事长和Rochester Friendly High Services的财务主管。

In conjunction with this appointment, AREV is pleased to announce a retention warrant offering to its senior management of Mike Withrow, CEO, and Kevin Phelps, COO. Each of the retention warrants are being sold to the purchase price of $0.05 per retention share purchase warrant and exercisable at $0.23 per common share during a term of 4 years from the date of closing of the retention warrant offering. The exercise of such warrant shall be subject to the occurrence of the following events:

在这一任命的同时,Arev很高兴地宣布向其高级管理层提供首席执行官Mike Withrow和首席运营官Kevin菲尔普斯的留任权证。每份保留认股权证将以每股保留股份认购权证0.05美元的收购价出售,并可在自保留认股权证发售结束之日起计4年内按每股普通股0.23美元行使。该认股权证的行使应以发生下列事件为条件:

ITEM PERCENTAGE/# of Warrants Exerciseability Provision in regard of the Warrant Holder
i. 20% Signing of Executive Consulting Agreement
ii. 15% Conclusion of one year of Employment
iii. 15% Conclusion of two years of Employment
iv. 15% Conclusion of three years of Employment
vi. 35% Completion of any two of pre-established strategic initiatives.
"Completion" is to be defined as a closed deal in which all parties have executed final agreements and the Company has taken ownership of any assets or funds. All agreements must be approved by the CSE and agree with all governing regulations. Any agreement deemed to be outside of the regulations will be deemed to have not completed. 
项目 认股权证百分比/数目 关于权证持有人的可行使性条款
i. 20% 签署高管咨询协议
二、 15% 结束一年的雇佣关系
三、 15% 两年工作期满
四、 15% 三年工作年限结束
六. 35% 完成任何两项预先确定的战略举措。

Insiders of the Company participation in the foregoing offering constitutes a "related party transaction" as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). Such participation is exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 as neither the fair market value of the securities acquired by the insiders, nor the consideration for the securities paid by such insiders, exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization.

本公司内部人士参与上述发售,构成多边文书61-101“特别交易中少数股权持有人保护”(“MI 61-101”)所界定的“关联方交易”。这种参与不受MI 61-101的正式估值和小股东批准的要求,因为内部人士收购的证券的公平市值,以及该等内部人士支付的证券的对价,都不超过公司市值的25%。

For further information, contact Mike Withrow, 778-929-6536. For more information visit .

欲了解更多信息,请联系Mike Withrow,电子邮件,电话:778-929-6536。有关更多信息,请访问。

On behalf of the Board,


Mike Withrow
CEO & Director


ABOUT AREV Life Sciences Global Corp.
AREV Life Sciences Global Corp. is a fully integrated, publicly traded, early-stage life science enterprise, with a US subsidiary dedicated to delivering therapeutic interventions to public health through extraction of unique compounds, discovery, innovation and successful collaborations. The company's leadership drives discovery programs for clinical complexities presented by malnutrition, viral infectious diseases, and elevated inflammatory responses. AREV is invested in commercial innovations in phytomedicinal discoveries of small molecule antivirals and for related neglected chronic co-morbidities and innovations human nutrition. AREV is dedicated to designing and delivering innovation in rational drug design, driven by presenting global epidemiological characteristics of multiple challenges to international human and animal health. AREV is a member of both BIOTECanada and The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO).

Arev生命科学全球公司是一家完全整合的、公开上市的早期生命科学企业,在美国设有一家子公司,致力于通过提取独特的化合物、发现、创新和成功的合作,为公共卫生提供治疗干预。该公司的领导力推动了针对营养不良、病毒性传染病和炎症反应升高所呈现的临床复杂性的发现计划。AREV投资于小分子抗病毒药物的植物医学发现的商业创新,以及相关被忽视的慢性共病和人类营养创新。Arev致力于设计和提供合理药物设计方面的创新,通过展示国际人类和动物健康面临的多重挑战的全球流行病学特征来推动。Arev是BIOTE Canada和生物技术创新组织(BIO)的成员。

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations or beliefs of future performance, are "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "estimates", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, events or developments to be materially different from any future results, events or developments expressed or implied by such forward looking statements.




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