GA Telesis签署了与spirit airlines达成购买23架空客A320ceo和A321ceo飞机的最终购买协议
美国佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡,2024年10月25日/美通社/-- 全球商用航空和太空解决方案的领先提供商GA Telesis, LLC(“GA Telesis”)宣布,
受疲软日元推动 前9个月赴日游客消费额创新高
SALA 公司预计到财政年底会实现复苏
西松建设、学情等 [5%规则]
<1820>西松施工股份有限公司伊藤忠商事股份有限公司股票型持股比例 14.55% → 15.71% 举报义务发生日 2024/09/30<2301>学情三菱株式会社三菱UFJ资产管理株式会社股票型持股比例 - → 0.31% 举报义务发生日 2024/09/30<2734>萨拉公司三菱UFJ资产管理株式会社股票型持股比例 0.42% → 0
[FISCO Featured Stock] [Material Stock] Intertek <8940> 743 yen (10/4) Engaged in the revitalization and distribution of second-hand condominiums. The first quarter financial results were announced. The operating profit was 1.282 billion yen. In the same period last year, there was a deficit of 88 million yen. As a result of the early sale of properties held long-term in the previous period and their replacement with fresher ones, the profit margin improved significantly. In addition, the profit in the solution business sector has grown significantly. Operating profit for the fiscal year ending May 25 is 1.619 billion.
上周末美国股市中,道琼斯指数上涨341.16点至42,352.75,纳斯达克综合指数上涨219.38点至18,137.85,芝加哥日经225期货比大阪日中高出1,065日元,达到39,625日元。汇率为1美元=148.90-149.00日元。今天东京市场,第一季度营业利润增长16.8%的Sakata Seed Corporation <1377>,上半年营业利润进展率已达到55.0%的Sanei International Co., Ltd. <265>