今早一切都在盘前交易,我不知道今天明天是否会有一些利润回吐,因为你可能会有一些人不想在月底的最后几天去实现资本收益去年税务原因今天会不会有这种情况发生让我一点也不觉得奇怪如果你看到有人在今天早盘出售股票锁定利润。 所以28行权价是我会目标的,我会以60美分或50美分的价格下订单,具体取决于开盘价,然后一天内保持订单,只要市场没有自我毁灭、崩盘以及由于某些不相关的原因导致的跌落,我会一直重新输入该订单直到成交。 so the 28 strike is what I would Target and I would put orders in it maybe 60 cents or 50 cents it depends where it opens and leave your order in for the day and as long as the market doesn't self destruct and meltdown and crash for some unrelated reason I would keep reentering the order until you get filled.
你知道这当然是一种可能性... 我不认为你会因为看市场不断下跌就恐慌性买入.. 今天股市仍然走低。我认为没有理由某人会下订单买入7万股,你会操作一个订单,先买入5000股再买入另外5000股,为了让市场喘口气,你会把它们逐步分开,有些略高一些,有些略低一些,这样看起来就不像有一个庞大的买家在试图积累股票,每个人都在关注一个水平,然后开始提高报价,股票开始交易上涨。 所以虽然你说的有可能,但我觉得这不太可能 so while it's possible what you're saying I don't think it's probable
你知道,你问了一个很好的问题,这当然是可能的,投资的一部分就是每天学习一点。 你需要考虑一下,如果你是那个做空股票的人,你赚了5美元,选择了一个任意的数字,股票价格上涨了,你持有7万股,赚了5个点,你会想在平仓时最大化利润吗?那么最佳的方法是什么,是一次性提交买入订单还是逐步试探性地关闭头寸来最大化利润。 所有这些都是在说,有人点击了买入按钮买了7万股,也许他们本来想买7000股,现在他们可能正在发疯,因为他们比预期多买了10倍。 you need to think if you were that person that shorted the stock and you were up $5 picking arbitrary number you're at a profit 70,000 shares five points wouldn't you want to maximize your profit when it came time to cover and close out that trade?? so what would be the best way to maximize profits throw a buy order in all at one time or gradually nibble at it to close out your position. all that being said somebody hit the buy button for 70,000 shares maybe they meant 7000 shares and they're shiting a brick right now because they bought 10x more than what they intended to
骨神 : 还远......我的价格是31
10baggerbamm 楼主 骨神 : 我没有告诉你在31美元的时候买入,我是第一次在22-23-24美元左右买入的,然后有一次涨势,我没有捕捉到整个涨势,就在它真正飙升到30美元上下时我进行了抛售,然而在这个点位我上周一直强调这一点,这周今天我们看到它稍微有点上涨,我认为还有更多上涨的空间。