Despite lower than expected Q4 numbers, investors are not worried due to the company's positive outlook for 2024, driven by significant infrastructure investment and re-industrialization activity across key markets in North America and Europe.
The strong EPS growth and insider buying at CRH indicate a positive outlook for the company. The growth rate and insider activity suggest that the company could be a good investment opportunity.
104476495 : h
Tiggerpepper : 恭喜特朗普总统2024-2028年
witty Pumpkin_2691 : 预料之中,市场繁荣。这让人联想起2016年至2020年。
103827296 : 你写 我没有问题 你有问题 你不要联系我 你非常非常流行
104088143 : 怎样呢