Happy Tuesday, investors, it is January 28th. The market is on its way back up after DeepSeek scared tech into a major pullback. The Nasdaq index fell nearly 3% Monday, and the S&P 500 pulled back from all-time highs, let's look at Live Stock news today: 股票的价格$波音 (BA.US)$were taking off Tuesday, climbing 6% after reporting an expected fourth-quarter loss, but adding in some encouraging quality control data. As th...
1. $英伟达 (NVDA.US)$ 在周五的交易中,英伟达的股价下降了3.67%,收于120.07美元。交易最活跃的看涨期权是行权价为130美元的期权,定于1月31日到期。这些合约的总成交量为198,636,未平仓合约为89,644。在看跌方面,交易最活跃的期权是行权价为120美元的期权,...
股票的价格 $波音 (BA.US)$ were taking off Tuesday, climbing 6% after reporting an expected fourth-quarter loss, but adding in some encouraging quality control data. As th...