$Lands'End (LE.US)$Lands’ End expects more supply chain challenges as the holiday season approaches. Factory closures in Vietnam are making it hard for the retailer to accurately predict its holiday season.The retailer reported better-than-expected earnings on Thursday, but its stock fell as supply chain issues weighed on its outlook for the rest of the year. factories having products completed, not being able to book containers. Containers coming over on ships, but the ships not being able to get into harbors. And once they get into harbors, a lack of truckers driving goods from harbors to wherever they need to go ...
$哈弗蒂家具 (HVT.US)$ +3.7%(这家超市运营商报告称,其最近一个季度的利润和销售额好于预期,并上调了全年预测。同类门店销售额增长了6.9%,远高于市场普遍预期的4%。)
$Nutanix (NTNX.US)$ +5.3%(彭博社报道称 $慧与科技 (HPE.US)$ 已经与这家云计算公司进行了收购谈判。会谈一直在断断续续而且...
• $Kezar Life Sciences (KZR.US)$ +92%(宣布MISSION第二阶段试验的顶线结果积极)
• $Sutro Biopharma (STRO.US)$ +24.5%(Sutro Biopharma和Astellas合作推进新型免疫刺激性抗体药物联合物)
• $Ceragon (CRNT.US)$ +17.7%(AVNW将收购其尚未拥有的CRNt的所有股份,每股价格为$2.80)。
• $携程网 (TCOM.US)$ +15.6%(对收益/指导的反应)
• $Apyx Medical (APYX.US)$ +8%(每年增长率)...
$美国达乐公司 (DG.US)$ 美国达乐公司 - 在公司披露计划于2025财年年末开设1000家Popshelf商店后,美国达乐公司的股价下跌了1.7%。Popshelf的愿景是面向更富裕的郊区购物者,一年前宣布了这一愿景。目前在六个州有30家Popshelf商店。
Factory closures in Vietnam are making it hard for the retailer to accurately predict its holiday season.The retailer reported better-than-expected earnings on Thursday, but its stock fell as supply chain issues weighed on its outlook for the rest of the year. factories having products completed, not being able to book containers. Containers coming over on ships, but the ships not being able to get into harbors. And once they get into harbors, a lack of truckers driving goods from harbors to wherever they need to go