上周五,$Constellation Energy (CEG.US)$, the largest clean, carbon-free energy producer in the United States, announced the signing of its largest power purchase agreement to date with$微软 (MSFT.US)$. This deal will lead to the restart of the Three Mile Island Unit 1, which was shut down five years ago due to economic reasons, and will keep it operational for decades, adding approximately 835 megawa...
Dan’l : 请查看xU3O8“智能合约费用”并小心: uranium.io 最好是可疑的(这些花里胡哨的产品大多旨在利用区块链代币化数字资产的流行)
我确实看到那一天会到来,当所有资产(即使是目前最不流动的)都将通过我们的钱包随心所欲地立即获取,但是... 还没有到达。