There are three very important things to note this week, it's not only options expiry on April 19th, but Bitcoin's likely halving event on April 20 and now we have Bloomberg saying the S&P500 could potentially revert, so it's worth potentially protecting for downside, which could mean maybe taking profits, or maybe keeping cash on the sidelines so you can pounce, should markets correct. 但今天我们要探索的是为什么商品...
Shroomie : 几个月来,你一直在说特斯拉的坏话...看来笑话是开在你身上的
Jessica Amir 楼主 Shroomie : 当他将火箭送往月球开创太空旅行时,你怎么能不支持马斯克呢。我相信你已经阅读了我对马斯克的支持已经遍布X。我不确定你指的是什么
Shroomie Jessica Amir 楼主 : 对不起,我把你和别人搞混了
Jessica Amir 楼主 Shroomie : 一切都很好,Shroomz。一切都很好。