Did you notice the dim icon in the red box below? Moomoo Learn has launched some master badges for you to light up!
We've heard mooers asking about exam-related badges. "Where are they? Can't wait to light up some!"
Now, it's coming. You can start by updating your app to the last version. After that, you can have a try! Tab to know more.
We'd like to know what you think of the new badges. Talk to us to win point rewards!
【1】50 points for each qu...
We've heard mooers asking about exam-related badges. "Where are they? Can't wait to light up some!"
Now, it's coming. You can start by updating your app to the last version. After that, you can have a try! Tab to know more.
We'd like to know what you think of the new badges. Talk to us to win point rewards!
【1】50 points for each qu...
steady Pom pipi :
Biggest dog : 我會試一試的!
72736141so : 多麼
KillaKobe314 :
富贵健康 : 過兩關,還有一關沒過。看來要好好學習天天向上。努力再努力