$波音 (BA.US)$ going just maxed out their credit line of 13.8 ...
$波音 (BA.US)$going just maxed out their credit line of 13.8 billion dollars which was genius because now they're able to get a structured loan through the government with zero interest to pay off that loan so it's going to literally cost him nothing in the end and they're also going to be getting more assistance from our government with the 50 billion dollar bailout
Treemoshdotcom : 來自日本的電話是否會有任何價值
Treemoshdotcom : 你的知識和你是多麼願意幫助別人都很忙
Trader-101 樓主 Treemoshdotcom : 你要採取一擊馬上蝙蝠,只要市場開放,但與特朗普給 50 十億美元的支付給航空公司,以及波音最大化在那裡近 14 十億美元的信貸額度我認為他們會只是罰款只是保持緊不賣,你會恢復,仍然賺取利潤
Trader-101 樓主 Treemoshdotcom : 我發布它在市場關閉之前開始拉動
Treemoshdotcom Trader-101 樓主 : 我做到了!我肯定遵循你的建議。我的意思是他們是否值得重新陷入麻煩,他們變得更糟等
Trader-101 樓主 Treemoshdotcom : 是的,毫無疑問,我會在它再次下降後購買更多的東西,我希望看到它,我在一百左右可能少一點,然後如果發生這種情況,我將加載
Treemoshdotcom Trader-101 樓主 : 如果你選擇這樣做,我會尋找你的警報