I'll give you guys one more piece of advice find yourself a good option screener I'm able to get into a lot of these trades prior to the mass market because I take advantage of a good option screener and I look for option traders that have large volume and certain equities what you're looking for is short-term options no more than 7 to 14 days expiration date and you judge spikes in volume because option traders usually enter a trade at least a day to three days prior to a big movement in the market so by getting the screener you're able to know where to look before it happens and just start researching that company and find out why it's expected that have such a movement and even if you don't trade options it's still so beneficial to have to know what equities to look at to do the research prior to the movement
Trader-101 樓主 : 我將更多解釋一下我說要看短期期權的原因,因為交易期權交易的那些交易期權的原因是短期到期日,原因是因為您的到期越接近。您的 Delta 將越快越高,這等於他們的回報更大
flashforward : 我是新的選項... 是否有可能你分享一個免費的選項篩選器非常感謝!
Trader-101 樓主 flashforward : 當然的網路選項網站
Trader-101 樓主 flashforward : 還有其他,但這是我最近一直在使用的
Trader-101 樓主 flashforward : 而我在這個計劃中關注的主要事情是只是交易量提醒你好,我對於任何股票都說最近有大量交易量激增,當售期權或購買期權上漲或下跌,然後我查看公司和期權,看看正在購買什麼,以及他們預期股票的上漲或下跌的方向,然後我開始進行研究
flashforward Trader-101 樓主 : 更重要的是它!
Trader-101 樓主 flashforward : https://www.sleekoptions.com/goodsetups.aspx?td=1
70078149 : 對湯姆來說幸運咖啡有什麼好意思嗎?
Trader-101 樓主 70078149 : 還沒有我還在等待數據進行分析,然後再推薦選項