guys when I trade a volatile market like this I've learned that I've had to switch up the way that I trade in order to adapt to the surroundings of the market now what that I said you can use it entra chart and they are accurate to a certain point they help you find your support your resistance your different levels that you need which is okay that's great but this can't be back tested over the last six months or last year because it hasn't happened almost every only a few times in you know that I can remember at least back in 2008 and then the market crashed but it can't be really back tested against much with that said I found using moving averages volume catalyst trading these are methods that seem to be working for me and I'm not telling you to change but it is working so take a look this is a more detailed description you can use this indicator it helps a lot it's the MA IN
LuckyStarter : 嗨,這可能是一個愚蠢的問題。我經常看到你 @SmrtTrader談論阻力和支撐。是否有一本書或視頻可以學習如何查看股票圖表當我查看二級市場數據時... 它們非常波動,以至於我不知道支持水平在哪裡...
Trader-101 樓主 LuckyStarter :
Trader-101 樓主 LuckyStarter : 我也推薦圖表史密斯
SmrtTrader : 除了知識之外,YouTube 上還有一些很棒的視頻可以解釋支持和阻力