guys tomorrow diesel company time looking at I haven't decided I'll which ones are for sure until I see. pre-market I probably won't because things have been changing a lot lately because of outside factors so I don't know what the pre-markets going to look like the futures are up right now everybody's green but I like Alibaba I definitely like Amazon after I took a dive today I made some money on it but it went back down I still like Tesla I think there's a lot of money to be made on Tesla right before earnings and if we have a green day I would look at both of those strongly for a trade and I also like Nvidia once they close at acquisition on the 27th I think they're bullish they've got about a 98% rating throughout all analysts on them price Target at 3:20 with that said sanofi pharmaceuticals they've got FDA a meeting on the 25th for approval or not I know a lot of chatter pay attention to that one now once I wrap up my one-on-one session guys things will go back to normal I'll be able to talk more answer questions to make my normal pulse but till then until I get this filled fun that I put together completed it's going to be kind of choppy so bear with me you know I like helping people but give me some time I'm trying to do a good thing but you always help and I appreciate each and everyone of you guys
Trader-101 樓主 : 如果你們正在建立長期投資組合現在損失的收集油,它會穩定了你們不會再看到這些價格再次與埃克森雪佛龍 66 號或我個人最喜歡的 Apache 和 WTI 以外的任何人都不會與其他人同行,這些公司是唯一會在石油行業購買的公司
MertasihIluhnita : 你覺得阿巴出 USO 怎麼樣?這對長期有好處嗎?
Trader-101 樓主 MertasihIluhnita : 離開你不想買任何槓桿,現在石油期貨合約市場不穩定的 WTI 公司,只有這是我現在唯一的原廠,那就是石油期貨與實際商品相關的石油廠,當你購買時,這些是桶油的實際商品的合約,而昨天的跌幅如此低,他們必須支付任何人每桶 32 美元才能從他們那裡拿來購買太瘋狂不要買