well guys I'll probably set up a discord or something like that just so you guys can still follow me if you'd like to but I don't want to trade on a platform that doesn't welcome my community to allowed to pass ideas back and forth and I don't want to violate any rules so I'll set up something separate that everybody can follow me on if you would like to
Treemoshdotcom : 我願意訂閱並向您支付月費。您耐心,從不反對
Trader-101 樓主 Treemoshdotcom : 我會通知你們,所以我不會在這個平台上太多,直到我設置它,因為我不希望他們把我踢下去之前,我可以讓你們知道我要去哪裡
CandleStickRick Treemoshdotcom : 嗨樹
這是如此的真實,這是我最喜歡他的原因。我們很樂意有你和 @KnowledgeIsPower我自己很想擁有你