Support and resistance are used by technical analysts to identify price point on a chart.
They show the probabilities that favor a pause or reversal of a trend. Support occurs when a downtrend can be expected to pause due to a concentration of demand or buying interest. When the price drops, demand increases, which form the support line. On the contrary, resistance appears where increase of price is halted by growing numbers of sellers wishing to sell at this price. Support forms the price floor while resistance establishes the ceiling.
As shown in the picture below, I try to draw the support and resistance line. The upper line represents the resistance one and the counterpart is the support one. If there is any mistake, please correct me. 😏
Kittykiki : 驚人
FiveHundredCents : 謝謝
Mongal Mongal : 我不知道我可能是錯的我認為支撐線和阻力線是水平繪製的。圖片上繪製的線條是我認為更高的高點和更低的低點。
Allen 樓主 Mongal Mongal : 我也有這樣的困惑。我通過谷歌找到了一些例子。我認為這可能取決於斜坡?
BlackBookGods Mongal Mongal : 上圖中繪製的線條是趨勢線。
Jeramy Kennedy : 是的,這些都是趨勢線
這是一個提示,請使用 5 天 5min 圖表查找支撐位和阻力位。劃一條線橫跨充電,看看過去 5 天價格觸及該線的次數。