I have a question to ask. So I did 4 daily trades last week ...
I have a question to ask. So I did 4 daily trades last week and I just did one today and received an email stating am a day trader. Isn't it suppose to reset every week? If it does am still suppose to have 4 day trades left this week right?
ImJustHere : 只有 5 天間交易日。加上 4 多於 3 天,所以你已經違反了規則
ImJustHere : 規則為 3,5 天內不超過 3 筆交易。
alicia_z : 它不會重置,您應該聯繫客戶服務部至 cs@fututrade.com 以獲取幫助
Edmund Agbor 樓主 : 已經做到了,他們說它將在 2 天內重置。