Hey fellow traders! This is my first time using moo moo and I hope it's worth the time and effort to go thru and setup and learn a new layout and brokerage. If anyone has any feedback about it id love to know more as I wait to get fully opened up. Hopefully this community aren't all trolls and I just opened myself up😂
5DollaTito : 什麼是好我的傢伙!喲這個平台是韋布爾和 TOS 的後代。我挖它
Moomoo Lily : 歡迎來到姆牧!
Bullsdeep 樓主 5DollaTito : 是的,這是 我可能會嘗試在這裡拉一些 webull 追隨者。有關於 3k,我知道他們中的許多人更喜歡這個設置。我需要看看它是如何交易以及執行時間的。
christain coman : 還需要幫助嗎?