Picking the Right Stock
There is no one perfect way to pick a stock. Investors with a long time investment horizon would tend to beat the short term focus of the market. Our investment objectives are important as it would influence the type of stocks we pick. Those interested in growth would seek out companies that show increasing revenue growth but earnings may be less predictable while those more concerned with capital preservation would go for undervalued companies based on value investing model favoured by Warren Buffett. When we become owners of a stock, we take a stake in the company. If we do not understand the business well, the risk of failure is relatively higher. As such, it is ideal to find companies that we understand well. Doing some research to find out more on those companies we are keen in will allow us to understand more about their business, their market share, their growth potential and their competitors. Once we have shortlisted the companies, we should consider if they have a sustainable competitive advantage or what Buffett would refer to as a moat, which can give a company a strong advantage over its competitors. After narrowing down to the companies with a good competitve advantage, we can start deciding on a fair price to pay for the stocks to determine if the price presents a good value. Financial metrics like P/E, P/S and P/B ratios can be used as a gauge depending on if we are looking at value or growth stocks. The final step in stock picking will be the margin of safety to minimise potential huge losses by buying companies below our estimated fair price. Value stocks do not need a wide margin of safety as compared to growth stocks with less stable earnings. We need to bear in mind that stock price is determined by future expectations. The past can only serve as a rough guide. It is near impossible to get the lowest price for a stock or to perfectly time the market. Once we have done sufficient research to make a calculated decision and when the stock price looks reasonable, we should not hesitate to buy.
$標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$
$微軟 (MSFT.US)$
$谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$
$亞馬遜 (AMZN.US)$
$Meta Platforms (FB.US)$
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$
$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$
$標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$
$微軟 (MSFT.US)$
$谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$
$亞馬遜 (AMZN.US)$
$Meta Platforms (FB.US)$
$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$
$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$
免責聲明:社區由Moomoo Technologies Inc.提供,僅用於教育目的。
Krel : 是的,一篇關於庫存採集主題的很好的文章。股票選擇取決於投資類型、交易範圍、投資者的風險概況等因素,沒有一個投資組合和選擇適合所有人。所以總是戴奧德。
101767718 : Good sharing of tips to select stock
102089245 : 給投資者的好建議。這真的有很大幫助,因為選擇合適的股票可能非常困難。
不理不理左不理 : 作者正確地指出,我們必須在進入市場之前進行研究。勝利來自有耐心和良好的前瞻性的人。不要忘記看其他玩家並保持警覺。
garay : 同意,最好選擇我們了解的股票。研究非常重要,風險管理也很強
Spearhead : 在我們冒險進入公司股票之前,值得嘗試縮小並審查公司信譽良好的公司背景。隨著時間的推移,勝負可能會勝利。
HuatLady : 有關如何收集價值的股票的綜合概述。
Jeet Kune Do : 他媽的好寫作,無私地分享有關投資的重要見解。閱讀他的帖子真的有幫助和教育性。
Southern Eagle : 不錯的分享。易於跟踪和從中學習
HuatEver : 你是一個聰明的投資者。幸運之神!