$道瓊斯指數 (.DJI.US)$,
$納斯達克綜合指數 (.IXIC.US)$,
$標普500指數 (.SPX.US)$ 今年美國市場創下歷史新高,全球巨頭企業也在進行股票回購。
$谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$,
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$,
$美國銀行 (BAC.US)$ ,
$Meta Platforms (FB.US)$,
$摩根大通 (JPM.US)$,
$麥當勞 (MCD.US)$,
$微軟 (MSFT.US)$,
$奈飛 (NFLX.US)$, often cited as a key support for US stocks could lift investor hopes by driving the market even higher. The main drivers of the share buyback are excess cash on balance sheets and positive sentiment on the back of healthy financial performance. While companies buying back their own shares can support higher stock prices , they run the risk of overvaluing stocks. Investors should proceed carefully if the buyback seems to be motivated by the management's desire to improve its valuation metrics rather than returning value to shareholders. Companies that use buyback to give the impression of rapid growth in earnings per share may not be worth investing in. Among the companies participating in share buyback, I am most bullish on
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$, one of Warren Buffett's all time favourite stocks. Its strong brand and innovative design expertise has allowed
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ to build one of the most loyal customer bases in the world and generate earnings that beat its competitors in the mobile computing market. Not only that ,
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$在移動領域的主導地位使其建立了一個非常盈利的軟體生態系統。更好的是,
$蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ 支付較高的股息並且股東可以預期長期內會有巨大的股息增長。
Jeet Kune Do : 令人驚嘆的見解和寫作清晰度。
Southern Eagle : 這真令人興奮。應該對 MKT 有好處!
jasonleett : 對股份回購主題有良好的洞察力...作者已經完成了自己的作業,並清晰簡潔地將信息傳回家
HuatLady : 作者明確概述了股票回購以及投資者在購買時謹慎和聰明的原因。
101767718 : Strongly agree Great sharing
Victor Oh : 感謝您的分享
HuatEver : 主題很好地說明和探索。我同意,一項投資$Apple (AAPL.US)$在全球優質股票中,例如 $Netflix (NFLX.US)$,
Syuee : $Apple (AAPL.US)$ 也是我最喜歡的一個。
Spearhead : 很棒的想法跟隨。
Double Rainbow : 非常同意,通過股票回購跟隨好的是很好的。