-Blackstone reported thebest results in our 36-year history.
-Earnings increased dramatically, and all of our key financial and capital metrics reachedrecord or near-record levels.
-Most importantly, we continue to deliver outstanding investment performance for our limited partners, with the third quarter capping ourbest twelve-month period for fund appreciation.
-Looking forward, we have more avenues for growth than ever before,and I believe we arein the early stages of a long-term acceleration of our business.
doubleudoubleu : 很好
carririlin : 盈利報告是樂觀的。接下來會發生什麼?有沒有人提出任何建議
huat ah : 請評論,謝謝
Johnnie Worker : 股票連續 2 天上漲。如果還沒有定價好消息,它將上升,直到它確實如此。
102858370 JFeng : 非常好
Lay Pheng : 哇
Hippopotamus : 喜歡
Ag1718 :
tiggerteh : 很好
SnOOpy168 : 是啊