lucky baby : Good
Flaming Deals : Nope there won’t be sell off in amc
Robert Peterson : huge spike. followed by huge spike (still up.) then moon
MindOverMatter : FOMO before earnings then More FOMO after numbers are released to the masses
nendu : HOLD! Do not sell
Coffee Drip : The trend is a drop after earnings followed by increase 2 days after.
deluxe bean : dont sell until you see the mountains on the moon
cubsfantrey333 : sell off?! lmfao! apes don't sell until HFs cover. period.
RageAndLove Coffee Drip : The problem with that is the diamond hands turn into paper and sell once they see that price drop.
Coffee Drip RageAndLove : Some do, but that's okay. We always bounce back.
lucky baby : Good
Flaming Deals : Nope there won’t be sell off in amc
Robert Peterson : huge spike. followed by huge spike (still up.) then moon
MindOverMatter : FOMO before earnings then More FOMO after numbers are released to the masses
nendu : HOLD! Do not sell
Coffee Drip : The trend is a drop after earnings followed by increase 2 days after.
deluxe bean : dont sell until you see the mountains on the moon
cubsfantrey333 : sell off?! lmfao! apes don't sell until HFs cover. period.
RageAndLove Coffee Drip : The problem with that is the diamond hands turn into paper and sell once they see that price drop.
Coffee Drip RageAndLove : Some do, but that's okay. We always bounce back.