The reason why people distinguish the virtual world from the real world is because the virtual world generated by the platform-style Internet at this stage cannot carry people's asset rights and social identity. The identity achievements and assets acquired by people in the virtual world are in the hands of platform operators. If the operator chooses to close the platform or close the account forcefully, everything you've gained on the platform goes up in smoke. However, the rapid development of blockchain technology in recent years has derived a decentralized Internet form, which effectively guarantees the transparency and certainty of the virtual world rules generated under this form.
102785347r : K
Matt Carroll : 有趣
Spearhead : 不錯
xiaomitu : 什麼一年。
Koolgal : 我喜歡選擇像蘋果和微軟這樣的優質股票,並長期持有。如果我是瑞普·凡·溫克爾(Rip Van Winkle)並醒來 30 年,這些股票的價值將會倍增。一個很好的例子是沃倫·巴菲特誰買了蘋果 5 年前,看看蘋果的價值是如何增長的!
GhostMilligan : 噪音
2tone996 : 在太晚之前領取 amc 你先在這裡閱讀
TalkMoney : 元宇宙是我們的生命浪潮...
TalkMoney : 元宇宙是我們的新生活浪潮。
DeShawn W Keys : 再見