Property developer Hopson Development Holdings said PricewaterhouseCoopers has agreed to resign as the company’s auditor, effective January 27, after they could not reach a consensus on the audit fee for the financial year ended Dec. 31.PwC told Hopson it did not receive information on certain matters and therefore could not plan and complete the necessary audit procedures.Matters include accounting treatment of certain of the Group’s equity investments and property projects and the valuation of the Group’s investment properties, as well as the overall impact of these material matters on the Group’s financial statements and relevant disclosures.
The group’s stock price plunges 27%. $合生創展集團 (00754.HK)$ 合生發展稱,普華永道(羅兵咸永道)已同意辭去該公司核數師的職務,從1月27日起生效。一份文件顯示,普華永道與合生發展未能就截至12月31日的財年的審計費用達成一致。