Hello Bears!
Another good day for my NQ shorts and VIX longs!
But my commodities took a hit, heres why. As I mentioned in my update II that some (turns out all) had run too high and separated too far from their Moving Averages. They needed a sell down so that the MAs can "catch up" this is called consolidation, if you just bought it is painful (I went through it last year). So rather than me just yell 🗣 BUY COMMODITIES 🗣, let me explain why this trade is still "young" (in baseball let's say it's the bottom of the 3rd inning top of the 5th at the latest) why it will still make tons of money and maybe important to some how it happened.
How it happened: simple covid (sure there were signs this was due *the charts dont lie and predicted it coming, weird right*
) but covid caused it. When the world shut down for covid (the mines closed, the production/refiners shut down, the ports and sources of transportation slowed or stopped) the materials needed for production/growth were used up and no new materials replaced them. (this works for all commodities, example fertilizer, the farmers used all the fertilizer available, but when the new season started there wasn't any more fertilizer the miners didnt mine it, and what they had didnt ship or shipped slowly and was used up, so now that everything has started again the farmers still need fertilizer but the miners cant mine fast enough to meet demand (miners stopped mining potash but farmers didnt stop using it) and the processors cant process it fast enough to meet demand and cant get enough supply to process. This entire mess causes prices to climb. (The farmer who needs fertilizer and can pay the most will pay the most, those who can't pay dont grow enough crops. the real world is harsh.) But this isn't sympathy this is money. And if you have commodities you have money.
Why is this early- I could give you the "super cycle" wave theory but then I'm explaining even more technicals. This is early because it was just recognized. This was not a top, it is a breather.
karnithya : 師傅,你有沒有提供什麼特別是期權的信號?你有不和或有電報嗎?
iamiam 樓主 karnithya : 不,我不會。我有時會在購買或尋找選擇的時候發帖。但選擇是棘手的,所以我不喜歡有人買入,然後不知道他們在做什麼,持有太長時間或其他東西而導致損失。但如果可以的話,我很樂意回答任何問題。
Markio1315 : 真的..我賣了$Timkensteel (TMST.US)$在鮑威爾之前,但如果價格合適的話,以後會考慮加入。這是一種整合,而不是逆轉,不像一些虧損的科技股。所有的工業企業都在期待着在不久的將來爆發。
iamiam 樓主 : NQ期貨綠色
iamiam 樓主 : 還有SLB&CLF大綠色售前。希望它能保持下去,我對此表示懷疑,但也許
Kopi is Life : 感謝你一如既往的通俗易懂。乾杯
iamiam 樓主 : 巴姆·克里菲!
iamiam 樓主 : SLB
Ben 23 : 我的天啊。你説得太對了。在拋售之後,它們今天出現了反彈。
iamiam 樓主 Ben 23 : 要小心,它們可能會劇烈波動,但最終仍會下跌,這是一個很好的故事,説明成交量的大幅波動或降温大量的成交量從賣家手中帶來了一批新的買家,同時淘汰了這裏的交易員,以便以任何一種方式快速獲利。