During that period, as long as the company was associated with .com, or internet, everyone would just hyped and bought the stock. Investors speculated that internet was disruptive and their growth would be unlimited. In the hyped, there were many technology stocks rose around 1000%, such as Qualcomm rose in value by 2,619%. Then, after the bubble burst, almost all stocks threw back their gains, some shut down, and some never recovered until today.
Greenbird : 說得好
JM investor 樓主 Greenbird : 謝謝你!
Shuseido : 很好的分享。謝謝!
momvestor : 感謝您的偉大建議!
JM investor 樓主 Shuseido : 謝謝你!
JM investor 樓主 momvestor : 謝謝!讓我們一起在市場上獲利吧!
MultiBaggers : 對於BAC、蔚來和PLTR等股票,我不敢苟同。這些都是好公司,基本面很強。
JM investor 樓主 MultiBaggers : BAC是好的,但它是週期性的。
MSW SALAT8 : 花花啊!願 Huat 與所有勇敢和無畏的投資者在一起。我們需要一起穿越這些粗暴的暴風雨