Colette Kress: 目前的中國封鎖對供應和需求兩方面都有影響。 It puts a lot of pressure on logistics that were already under pressure. From a demand perspective, it has been head from the gaming side. Some large cities are in complete lockdown, focusing on other essential things for the citizens there. So, it's impacting our demand. But we do believe that China will come out of COVID, and the need for our products will come back. In the case of Russia, we're not selling to Russia. We had announced earlier last quarter. But there were plans and Russia has been a part of our overall company revenue of probably 2%.
Ab Woods : 專業、全方位的分享!
Deep Value : 作為投資者,我們在對更廣泛的經濟放緩的擔憂中,尋找有關科技行業實力的線索。從歷史上看,半導體一直是一個週期性行業。NVIDIA的股價今年迄今下跌了約42%,較NVIDIA去年11月的高點下跌了50%以上。
Srikanth Reddy :
70667899 :
whqqq : 隨着第一季度收入同比增長46%,我相信NVIDIA將繼續超出預期。
JoanFishers : 非常有用的信息。謝謝你
Menit : 很高興知道。謝謝良好的內容。