Harleluyah : 更不用説他們最近裁員了,2022年第三季度的經濟狀況也很糟糕。想象一下,一旦通脹放緩並隨後回升,會發生什麼
Tesla 1st Harleluyah : not to mention that they had recently layoff and economy had been terrible in Q3 2022. imagine what will happen once inflation slows down and recovers subsequently
旧人不覆 Tesla 1st : 股東們,你們是否也有這張票
Harleluyah : 更不用説他們最近裁員了,2022年第三季度的經濟狀況也很糟糕。想象一下,一旦通脹放緩並隨後回升,會發生什麼
Tesla 1st Harleluyah : not to mention that they had recently layoff and economy had been terrible in Q3 2022. imagine what will happen once inflation slows down and recovers subsequently
旧人不覆 Tesla 1st : 股東們,你們是否也有這張票