新加坡航空公司(SIA)集團在2023年6月30日結束的第一季度營收顯著增長,同比增長14%至新加坡航空公司447930萬新加坡元,由於暑假和暑期旅遊旺盛需求。具體來說,旅客飛行收入大幅增加至100100萬新加坡元(+37.4% 同比增長)於robust travel demand. The gains were partially offset by adecline in cargo revenue of S$55500萬 (-50.6% YoY) on softening demand and increased capacity.
2.Group Expenditure increased 10.5% year-on-year:
The group'sexpenditurein Q1 FY2023/24 increased byS$35300萬 (+10.5% YoY) to S$372500萬因為非燃料支出上升了5,7200萬新元(+27.3% YoY)比市場預期高部分抵消淨燃料成本下降了2,2000萬新元(-17.3% YoY)。燃料成本的降低主要是由於較低的燃料價格。
1) 乘客集團的產能同比增長32.4%asrestrictions on air travel eased globally. During the quarter, SIA and Scoot carried 840萬 passengers, representing an impressive 65.5% YoY increase, withrobust demand across all route regions and market segments.
2) Passenger traffic and load factorsshowed improvement across all markets, with a YoY traffic growth of49.0%,在超過容量擴張的情況下,該集團實現了最高紀錄的季度乘客負載因子(PLF)為88.9%。並且實現了每可用座公里的最高第一季度營收(YASK)為9.6美分/座位。由於貨運需求減弱,貨物負載量和收益下降:1)貨物負載量較低
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