thanks man I've try asking people and I'm just not understanding how it make average go up when I buying lower and about two hour ago I sold it bought back in at 2.08 and saying the average is 2.21 just not understanding buying lower and average cost keep going up higher then the price I'm buying it at
let it squeeze : 我絕對開多了……特別是當我看到那些數百萬美元的購買訂單湧進時……這種小小的下跌對我來說將來會非常有利……我對這個持有開多頭。
C H Tan : 只是堅持着..
ginandcook : 我在Coinbase上的瑞波幣平均價格是2.28,我在週五和週六買入時價格較低,導致我的平均價格升至2.37。我不想今天再買入,因爲每次買入都會使我的平均價格上漲。
cryptonerd 樓主 ginandcook : 你的平均爲2.38,爲什麼現在不買入?因爲這會拉低你的平均。
ginandcook cryptonerd 樓主 : 每次買入都會導致我的平均價格上升,比如上週五是2.28,我週五和週六買入時價格要低得多,我想是2.18,這讓我的平均價格上升到2.37
ginandcook cryptonerd 樓主 : thank you sir for helping I've tried asking everyone
cryptonerd 樓主 ginandcook : 每次都在有大幅下跌時買入,未來前景仍然看好。沒有壞消息的下跌只是主要機構的純粹操縱
GesusMunz : 提高佣金費用,我相信你的平均值
ginandcook GesusMunz : thanks man I've try asking people and I'm just not understanding how it make average go up when I buying lower and about two hour ago I sold it bought back in at 2.08 and saying the average is 2.21 just not understanding buying lower and average cost keep going up higher then the price I'm buying it at