speaking of, I had just seen a post by someone screaming "danger danger, blah blah blah". I didn't lose money but I did sell too early. I mean I didn't sell because of that post. I had read some negative things about them a couple of weeks ago and sold it. I still made a lil something but I guess I should have stayed in. I've learned when they talk shit, do the opposite.
72571364 : 聽起來像你丟了錢
White_Shadow 72571364 :
WALLSTREETBAGS 72571364 : 只有他的觀點是正確的。其他人完全錯了 ,是個妄想的家伙
CandleMan 樓主 72571364 : 我花錢了只是在尋找其他人可能因錯誤信息引導的人,以及這裡甚至不能說英語的人,這些人告訴他們「不要看,這是不好的時機 」就像 bruh...我已經研究了這個股票,並且有無數的文章支持它處於上升軌跡。話雖如此,如您想要投資的方式投資。但是不要聽人試圖在真正在激增的股票上注入恐懼的人們的話 (大家都很愛 )
HailTheApocalypse CandleMan 樓主 : speaking of, I had just seen a post by someone screaming "danger danger, blah blah blah". I didn't lose money but I did sell too early. I mean I didn't sell because of that post. I had read some negative things about them a couple of weeks ago and sold it. I still made a lil something but I guess I should have stayed in. I've learned when they talk shit, do the opposite.
CandleMan 樓主 HailTheApocalypse : 絕對!我很抱歉發生了這種情況。我並不是說明天、下週或下個月會是本壘打。市場是不可預測的。我要說的是有證據支持這可能是值得堅持的。任何與此相反的說法,顯然都有既得利益。朋友,如果你想這麼做,我希望你能回來。感恩節快樂
HailTheApocalypse CandleMan 樓主 : 是的我可能會回來的。也祝你感恩節快樂。謝謝。