unfortunately June of 25 is as far out as the contracts go. buying it out of the money contract and throwing a bid in which there's zero bid is what I'm going to do.. so I'll throw different bids in for a nickel $0, .10, .20 different amounts of contracts.. and see if I get filled
另外,如果您查看12月的交易記錄,您會發現有四方在公司內部購入股票,其中三方購入了6萬股,另一方購入了19萬股。 俗話說,人們出售股票有各種原因,但他們只有一個原因買入股票。 as they say people sell stock for variety of reasons but they buy stock for only one.
11/11/2024-下午 4:01 聖地亞哥--(美國商業資訊)--專注於開發傳染病疫苗以及肝臟和呼吸道罕見疾病領域機會的商業信使RNA藥物公司Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.(「公司」,「Arcturus」,納斯達克股票代碼:ARCT)今天宣佈,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)已針對該公司的研究性新藥(IND)申請發佈了 「可以繼續研究」 的通知 2304,一種自擴增 mRNA (sa-mRNA) 候選疫苗,用於預防大流行性流感疾病的主動免疫由 H5N1 病毒引起。該臨床研究由生物醫學高級研究與發展局(BARDA)資助,旨在在美國招收約200名健康成年人。 SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (the “Company”, “Arcturus”, Nasdaq: ARCT), a commercial messenger RNA medicines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and opportunities within liver and respiratory rare diseases, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a “Study Can Proceed” notification for the Company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application, ARCT-2304, a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccine candidate for active immunization to prevent pandemic influenza disease caused by H5N1 virus. The clinical study is funded by Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and designed to enroll approximately 200 healthy adults in the United States.
10baggerbamm 樓主 : 作爲後續行動,你可以在這裏使用期權,因爲你確切地知道風險所在,你知道損失將是多少。
不幸的是,6月25日離合約還有很長的路要走。我將它從貨幣合約中買入然後投出出價爲零的出價... 所以我會對不同數量的合約提出不同的出價... 然後看看我能不能成交
unfortunately June of 25 is as far out as the contracts go. buying it out of the money contract and throwing a bid in which there's zero bid is what I'm going to do.. so I'll throw different bids in for a nickel $0, .10, .20 different amounts of contracts.. and see if I get filled
10baggerbamm 樓主 : 另外,如果您查看12月的交易記錄,您會發現有四方在公司內部購入股票,其中三方購入了6萬股,另一方購入了19萬股。
as they say people sell stock for variety of reasons but they buy stock for only one.
10baggerbamm 樓主 : 11/11/2024-下午 4:01
聖地亞哥--(美國商業資訊)--專注於開發傳染病疫苗以及肝臟和呼吸道罕見疾病領域機會的商業信使RNA藥物公司Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.(「公司」,「Arcturus」,納斯達克股票代碼:ARCT)今天宣佈,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)已針對該公司的研究性新藥(IND)申請發佈了 「可以繼續研究」 的通知 2304,一種自擴增 mRNA (sa-mRNA) 候選疫苗,用於預防大流行性流感疾病的主動免疫由 H5N1 病毒引起。該臨床研究由生物醫學高級研究與發展局(BARDA)資助,旨在在美國招收約200名健康成年人。
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (the “Company”, “Arcturus”, Nasdaq: ARCT), a commercial messenger RNA medicines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and opportunities within liver and respiratory rare diseases, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a “Study Can Proceed” notification for the Company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application, ARCT-2304, a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) vaccine candidate for active immunization to prevent pandemic influenza disease caused by H5N1 virus. The clinical study is funded by Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) and designed to enroll approximately 200 healthy adults in the United States.
10baggerbamm 樓主 :
10baggerbamm 樓主 : https://expose-news.com/2024/12/18/self-replicating-vaccine-trial-in-the-usa/
72423057 : 你有買入這隻股票嗎?
Kim10 : 哦,這與特朗普的總統任期時間巧合,更不用說只需要改變5個氨基酸就能武器化並實現人際傳播。
10baggerbamm 樓主 72423057 : 星期一我會
10baggerbamm 樓主 : 加利福尼亞州受到的影響尤爲嚴重,有645家奶牛場受到影響,其中大約一半是在過去30天報告的。專家表示,雖然該病毒目前在人群中傳播並不容易,但動物中的每一次感染都增加了該病毒變異爲更易在人類間傳播形式的風險。
10baggerbamm 樓主 : 疾控中心確認加利福尼亞州一名兒童感染H5N1禽流感