•IJM集團 (IJM)正進行收購位於英國的施工公司JRL Group Holdings 50% 的股權,金額為£50百萬(約為馬來西亞幣283百萬)。此舉旨在擴大IJM在英國市場的影響力,並強化其核心施工能力。JRL Group Holdings擁有價值 £15億 的60檔擺盤,確保未來3年的盈利可見度,並能接觸到龐大的專案項目。此收購將補充IJM現有的60檔擺盤,其金額為RM64億。
• Pt Daya Intiguna Yasa,印尼的附屬公司Mr DIY Group (MRDIY),計劃通過首次公開發行在雅加達上市,旨在籌集高達4.7萆盾盧比(約132億令吉),標誌著印尼一年多來最大的上市。首次公開發行將提供最多25億股,包括股東Azara Alpina持有的23億股。每股定價在1650盾盧比至1870盾盧比之間。
•S P Setia (SPSETIA)截至2024財年第三季度,該公司凈利潤大幅增長93%,達到1億零200.2萬令吉,較去年同期的5182萬令吉增加。這主要歸因於土地銷售利潤增加,有助抵消Battersea Power Station項目的虧損以及澳洲業務貢獻減少。營業收入也同比增長16.62%,從去年同期的10.8億令吉上升至12.6億令吉。截至2024財年前九個月,總銷售額達32億令吉,其中94%的銷售額來自馬來半島的南部和中部地區。
Macquarie, a leading warrant issuer in Asia, provides state-of-the-art market making, education on warrants, and an array of tools for warrant traders. Macquarie Warrants Malaysia issues and market makes structured warrants listed on Bursa Malaysia. The content on this channel has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia | Contact: 03-20598840 | Disclaimer : bit.ly/MQdisclaimer
Macquarie, a leading warrant issuer in Asia, provides state-of-the-art market making, education on warrants, and an array of tools for warrant traders. Macquarie Warrants Malaysia issues and market makes structured warrants listed on Bursa Malaysia. The content on this channel has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia | Contact: 03-20598840 | Disclaimer : bit.ly/MQdisclaimer