if it's anything to go by, i think most in Singapore can vouch for seeing more BYD cars on the roads (more mass-market appeal) as compared to Tesla (more atas = higher price point)..
it's a bit like having more Toyota cars on the roads versus Mercedes Benz in the not so long ago..
i wonder what the "ground situation" is like in China..
TehChino : 但你不能否認一個事實,那就是比亞迪汽車是在中國政府補貼下生產的
bullrider_21 樓主 TehChino : 特斯拉獲得49亿美元的政府支持。社區/feed/113726435688454?share_code=01PqCU
Money Thrill TehChino : 在歐洲,人們更偏愛特斯拉。但對普通市民來說價格昂貴。如果有新的汽車售價在3万元以下,將會產生很大的影響。但是歐洲政府應該對比亞迪徵收稅款,除非它們在歐洲生產。他們還應接管歐洲汽車製造商的生產線,因爲這些企業現在面臨困難。許多工廠正在關閉。
snoopy123 : if it's anything to go by, i think most in Singapore can vouch for seeing more BYD cars on the roads (more mass-market appeal) as compared to Tesla (more atas = higher price point)..
it's a bit like having more Toyota cars on the roads versus Mercedes Benz in the not so long ago..
i wonder what the "ground situation" is like in China..