•Leong Hup International (LHI)三季度凈利潤略微增加,由前一年同期的1.3296億令吉增至1.3502億令吉。這主要是由於稅項支出大幅減少,從5,018萬令吉降至1,615萬令吉,減少了67.82%。然而,公司季度營業收入下降11.45%,從前一年的25.2億令吉降至22.3億令吉,原因是印尼和馬來西亞出售一日齡雞的平均價格降低和銷量減少。
Macquarie, a leading warrant issuer in Asia, provides state-of-the-art market making, education on warrants, and an array of tools for warrant traders. Macquarie Warrants Malaysia issues and market makes structured warrants listed on Bursa Malaysia. The content on this channel has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia | Contact: 03-20598840 | Disclaimer : bit.ly/MQdisclaimer
Macquarie, a leading warrant issuer in Asia, provides state-of-the-art market making, education on warrants, and an array of tools for warrant traders. Macquarie Warrants Malaysia issues and market makes structured warrants listed on Bursa Malaysia. The content on this channel has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia | Contact: 03-20598840 | Disclaimer : bit.ly/MQdisclaimer