72428011 : 你別後悔
HailTheApocalypse : 我把我的KULR股票賣掉了。週二Tonix讓我虧損慘重,真是暈頭轉向。幸運的是KULR能夠彌補我的損失,而且還有所盈利。
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : 請問你認爲下週哪些股票有大幅上漲
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : 首先,我並不是一位多年經驗豐富的專家或交易員,但我在KULR、LAES甚至可能的瘋狂狀況再次出現時,下注了 Tonix Pharma。當我說'下注'時,這實際上就是我們買入股票時所做的事情。這就像在賭場賭博一樣。有贏的也有輸的。祝你好運。
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : 我希望我能像你一樣好運。
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : thank you. I'm also looking at these penny stocks, Aptose Bioscience and Edible Garden. they've gotten some post market love. I haven't pulled the trigger on anything yet but just looking.
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : one more thing. I would highly suggest BigBearAI. they could be the next big contenders.
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : I hope you bought some LAES at the time I made my comment.
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : I bought some but not much, do you think it will keep rising or dropping? Thanks
72428011 : 你別後悔
HailTheApocalypse : 我把我的KULR股票賣掉了。週二Tonix讓我虧損慘重,真是暈頭轉向。幸運的是KULR能夠彌補我的損失,而且還有所盈利。
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : 請問你認爲下週哪些股票有大幅上漲
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : 首先,我並不是一位多年經驗豐富的專家或交易員,但我在KULR、LAES甚至可能的瘋狂狀況再次出現時,下注了 Tonix Pharma。當我說'下注'時,這實際上就是我們買入股票時所做的事情。這就像在賭場賭博一樣。有贏的也有輸的。祝你好運。
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : 我希望我能像你一樣好運。
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : thank you. I'm also looking at these penny stocks, Aptose Bioscience and Edible Garden. they've gotten some post market love. I haven't pulled the trigger on anything yet but just looking.
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : one more thing. I would highly suggest BigBearAI. they could be the next big contenders.
HailTheApocalypse Christy 8866 : I hope you bought some LAES at the time I made my comment.
Christy 8866 HailTheApocalypse : I bought some but not much, do you think it will keep rising or dropping? Thanks