102582901 : 結果好嗎?
Moo mom 102582901 : 實際上非常好
isolde Moo mom : 我也對他們強勁的現金流感到滿意。這帶走了稀釋的風險。股價表現現在看起來也很不錯
10baggerbamm 102582901 : does it really matter is the question the revenues miss guidance and they lost money versus making money so technically they were shit but the stocks up almost two bucks so that's all it really matters right?
poormansadamsandler 10baggerbamm : 營業收入超出指引300萬美元,Benzinga人工智能文章完全錯誤。
poormansadamsandler poormansadamsandler : 8 英里 *
102582901 : 結果好嗎?
Moo mom 102582901 : 實際上非常好
isolde Moo mom : 我也對他們強勁的現金流感到滿意。這帶走了稀釋的風險。股價表現現在看起來也很不錯
10baggerbamm 102582901 : does it really matter is the question the revenues miss guidance and they lost money versus making money so technically they were shit but the stocks up almost two bucks so that's all it really matters right?
poormansadamsandler 10baggerbamm : 營業收入超出指引300萬美元,Benzinga人工智能文章完全錯誤。
poormansadamsandler poormansadamsandler : 8 英里 *