Dragon Fish
Cannot say Supplier played out Nio. Nio has its own problem in the execution. Failed and blamed the suppliers is a very bad image and affecting the supplier and Nio relationship. No suppliers want to be accused by Nio. What the heck is Nio volume ? Nio hardly can get 2% of the market share now. Why do the suppliers want to give a preference treatment to Nio?
Dragon Fish : 那麼,以後能轉化爲股價嗎?
Dragon Fish : ET9 能否讓蔚來價格稍後突破 5.00?如果不是所有的炒作很快就會結束。每週數據的真相將在明天公佈。現在,12月的數據至關重要。Onvo 能打到 1万,更重要。Onvo總裁兼首席執行官的賭注仍未結束。直到上週仍堅持要觸及1萬。
安安稳稳过日子 : 哇我們的金龍魚兄弟回來了。去了海外?
Dragon Fish 安安稳稳过日子 : 因爲有人第二次舉報我,moomoo 封禁了我發佈帖子的權限。時間過得很快,但蔚來的表現確實不好。
TWP PaPa 樓主 Dragon Fish : 最近一些供應商把Nio弄虛作假,交貨不如期,破壞了供應鏈。
Dragon Fish TWP PaPa 樓主 : Cannot say Supplier played out Nio. Nio has its own problem in the execution. Failed and blamed the suppliers is a very bad image and affecting the supplier and Nio relationship. No suppliers want to be accused by Nio. What the heck is Nio volume ? Nio hardly can get 2% of the market share now. Why do the suppliers want to give a preference treatment to Nio?
TWP PaPa 樓主 : 訂單超過了,但由於缺少尚未到貨的零部件,蔚來無法按時交付 。
WayneTheBoon : 訂單可在交付前隨時取消,自ET5、7和Onvo以來還沒有學到課堂嗎?人們會預訂車輛,向朋友展示然後取消
WayneTheBoon TWP PaPa 樓主 : 因爲蔚來需要300天付款
TWP PaPa 樓主 WayneTheBoon : 我認爲李想已經核實了90天...或者更多...但不是300天