102131911 : 不!祝所有人和 Bitty 都是 聖誕快樂 !
102131911 : Merry Christmasto you too!
TheMantis : lmfao
104803845 : 你的熊隊甚至無法清算我,太弱了。
EZ_commander 樓主 104803845 : 你在哪裏?告訴過你我會讓你虧錢,現在已經完成。這就是跟熊玩的下場。
104803845 EZ_commander 樓主 : Learn to play both long and short, oldbie. The fail to push over 100k twice already change the trend to bearish.Oh I forget, you don't even have money to play to begin with. Keep barking.
104803845 EZ_commander 樓主 : Also, I told you if BTC went bearish, so does your stocks. GL.
102131911 : 不!祝所有人和 Bitty 都是 聖誕快樂 !
102131911 : Merry Christmasto you too!
TheMantis : lmfao
104803845 : 你的熊隊甚至無法清算我,太弱了。
EZ_commander 樓主 104803845 : 你在哪裏?告訴過你我會讓你虧錢,現在已經完成。這就是跟熊玩的下場。
104803845 EZ_commander 樓主 : Learn to play both long and short, oldbie. The fail to push over 100k twice already change the trend to bearish.
Oh I forget, you don't even have money to play to begin with. Keep barking.
104803845 EZ_commander 樓主 : Also, I told you if BTC went bearish, so does your stocks. GL.