Uk wages grew faster than expected, pushing 2-year gilt yields up by 10 basis points in a single day. U.S. retail sales came in strong, boosting the dollar index while pulling Treasury yields lower. In Canada, the finance minister’s resignation deepened political turmoil, sending the loonie to its lowest point in over four years. Offshore yuan briefly recovered over 100 pips after falling below 7.29. 比特幣在盤中暴漲至108,000美元以上,連續兩天創下歷史新高。
油價下跌第二天,WTI下跌 超過2% 而黃金創下一週新低 。.
亞洲,A股和香港股市均收盤 下跌。這支微型市值指數 下跌超過5% ,因爲高估值股票全面退卻,政府債券期貨 下跌.