金屬期貨及採礦行業觀察 | 由於購買興趣高漲和供應限制,鋁價格上漲;科德爾科將通過與SQm達成交易加入鋰市場
現貨價格為 $鋁主連(2502) (ALImain.US)$ 由於買盤與供應緊張,鋁價上週較上漲了3%。一家全球鋁生產商已向日本買家提供每噸10月至12月的初級金屬貨物買盤為110美元的溢價,比當季上升2%,根據參與季度定價談判的五位消息來源透露。這是日本買家為7至9月季度支付的買盤費用上漲了3%後的第二次季度金額增加。該生產商表示,更高的報價反映了貨物供應緊張,因為一些來自澳大利亞的供應可能會因澳大利亞在2018年3月被美國課徵鋁的10%進口關稅豁免而繼續流向美國。
In addition, recent shortages of alumina, a key intermediary product in aluminum production, have resulted from reduced output in China and disruptions to Rio Tinto's Australian exports. Rio Tinto's declaration of force majeure on alumina cargoes from its Australian refineries due to gas shortages has heightened concerns about supply from the world's second-largest producer.
$白銀主連(2412) (SImain.US)$ prices have increased by over 30% this year, reaching 12-year highs of approximately $32 per ounce last week, with a 2.2% increase over the past week alone. In contrast, $黃金主連(2412) (GCmain.US)$ prices are currently around $2,350 per ounce, having gained only 14% so far this year.
The recent bull run for gold prices has primarily been driven by central banks' desire to diversify their assets, as well as consumer flight to safety amid macroeconomic uncertainties, particularly in China. In contrast, silver's strong performance this year has been underpinned by industrial demand.
While gold does have some industrial uses, it is primarily seen as a store of value and a hedge against economic uncertainty. In contrast, silver is heavily used in industry and technology, with half of all silver production used for these purposes. In particular, silver is a crucial raw material for the production of solar panels, which are in high demand as the world transitions to sustainable energy sources. China has been at the forefront of solar panel production, contributing to increased demand for silver. As Daniela Hathorn, a senior market analyst at Capital.com, noted,
The fact that silver has been outshining gold in recent weeks is due mostly to its application in manufacturing.
Codelco to Join Lithium Market with SQm Deal
銅巨頭Codelco將在與合作夥伴簽署合作協議後成為鋰市場的主要參與者 $智利礦業化工 (SQM.US)$ 將贈與它大多數股權,擁有公司寶貴的智利鹽田資產。這份明確協議是在上週五宣布的,緊接著兩家公司去年底達成的初步協議。然而,在這筆交易能在明年初實施之前,仍有法規、社區和可能的法律障礙需要克服。
$必和必拓 (BHP.US)$這家澳洲礦業巨頭取消了對 盎格洛美利堅公司的建議的500億美元收購要約 $ANGLO AMERICAN (AAUKF.US)$ 因無法說服這家倫敦上市對手進一步對話,這筆提議的交易未能達成一致。這項建議的交易本將是有史以來最大的礦業交易,但這兩家公司無法就如何處理收購產生的法規風險和成本達成共識。
$力拓 (RIO.US)$作為紐西蘭最大的能源用戶,宣布了新的20年供電協議,將確保蒂瓦伊角鋁冶煉廠在長期內保持運營。冶煉廠已經運營了大約半個世紀,全職員工約1,000人,佔該國約13%的能源需求。
新西蘭鋁業公司New Zealand Aluminium Smelters,其主要股東為力拓Rio Tinto,已與三家當地發電廠簽訂合同,為572兆瓦的電力定價。這些交易預計將於7月開始,並持續至少到2044年,確保Tiwai Point冶煉廠的持續運行。
Hammer Metals授予South32選項,以在Isa Valley項目中獲得80%的權益
$Hammer Metals Ltd (HMX.AU)$,一家澳大利亞礦業公司,已與 $South32 Ltd (S32.AU)$ 達成了一項期權協議,該協議允許South32在昆士蘭州的澳大利亞Isa Valley項目中獲得80%的利益。根據協議,South32可以通過選擇無條件支持Hammer Metals直至完成一項前期可行性研究,將其持有比例從70%增加至80%。Isa Valley項目位於一個被認為對鋅和銅有潛在前景的地區。
資料來源:moomoo、Trading Economics、Yahoo Finance、Wind
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