102514703 : 持有mstr 2100,沒有第二選擇
Lucky Dog An 樓主 102514703 : 量子計算機的出現就是加密貨幣的殺手!
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 啊哈哈,我可不信量子計算機能夠如此簡單出現,現在還不行,不過就算可以也得等到價格高了幾倍再盜取也不錯,你真當蘋果那些網絡安全是休假的嗎?
Lucky Dog An 樓主 102514703 : 祝你好運
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 哈哈,我不需要,要退休了
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 是嗎?慢慢拿着你炒作的量子科技股吧
TechWhiz : Don't think Saylor can control the price. The mkt is too big. it was overbought, then oversold, now bottoming. this stock is volatile , get used to it.
TechWhiz Lucky Dog An 樓主 : this has been discussed many times. quantum computing is still way off from doing any harm to btc. if it becomes so powerful in the future , then you better keep your money under your bed, the banks can't protect your money. big money & government know this . they will not fund a project that will kill themselves. there must be plans to prevent it from happening. think about it.
THIS IS DE 2ND BEST : 你有量子计算,我也有量子算力 你一样也偷不到
THIS IS DE 2ND BEST Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 那你不明白比特币的Algorithm了
102514703 : 持有mstr 2100,沒有第二選擇
Lucky Dog An 樓主 102514703 : 量子計算機的出現就是加密貨幣的殺手!
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 啊哈哈,我可不信量子計算機能夠如此簡單出現,現在還不行,不過就算可以也得等到價格高了幾倍再盜取也不錯,你真當蘋果那些網絡安全是休假的嗎?
Lucky Dog An 樓主 102514703 : 祝你好運
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 哈哈,我不需要,要退休了
102514703 Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 是嗎?慢慢拿着你炒作的量子科技股吧
TechWhiz : Don't think Saylor can control the price. The mkt is too big. it was overbought, then oversold, now bottoming. this stock is volatile , get used to it.
TechWhiz Lucky Dog An 樓主 : this has been discussed many times. quantum computing is still way off from doing any harm to btc.
if it becomes so powerful in the future , then you better keep your money under your bed, the banks can't protect your money.
big money & government know this . they will not fund a project that will kill themselves. there must be plans to prevent it from happening.
think about it.
THIS IS DE 2ND BEST : 你有量子计算,我也有量子算力
THIS IS DE 2ND BEST Lucky Dog An 樓主 : 那你不明白比特币的Algorithm了