$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$Blackwell表現優於$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$Hopper architecture by a staggering factor of four in the largest workload for a large language model in MLPerf – Llama 2 700億. In addition, the$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$H200 Tensor Core GPU performed exceptionally well in all data center tests, including the latest MLPerf benchmark for the Mixtral 8x70億Mixture of Experts language model with 467億 parameters.
In its latest earnings call,$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$announced that the highly anticipated Blackwell GPU will begin mass production in the fourth quarter of this year, with expected revenues of billions. Notably, the Chinese market significantly contributed to the company’s data center revenue, and sovereign AI business is also growing, expected to add billions in 2024.
Although the market is concerned about the delay in Blackwell GPU shipments, the key point is that customers will continue to flock to$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$regardless of the delay. Production issues are expected to be resolved over time. As$英偉達 (NVDA.US)$'s guidance suggests, the Blackwell GPU is still anticipated to generate billions in revenue in the fourth quarter.
103916021 :
mr_cashcow : 是的,報導稱Blackwell的表現比它的前身好得多,英偉達的股價也似乎已經稍微反彈回來了
102362254 : 是的,英偉達全新的Blackwell架構平台受到高度期待,可能會提振其股價,儘管據報導存在延遲。英偉達強勁的收益和對其人工智能芯片的高需求表明該公司仍然在積極發展。然而,Blackwell能夠快速推動營業收入增長,仍然是一個關鍵問題。
74413302 : 是的
Meme_Short_Queen : 人工智能炒作終將以驚人的破裂收場,布萊克威爾只是一個分散注意力的手段。
Matt Infinity Afan : 隨著對人工智能和數據中心需求的不斷增加,毫無疑問黑韋爾gpu芯片-云計算將以雷霆般的力量攻陷市場。 Nvidia將在當前保持其第一的地位。