$KNM (7164.MY)$:KNm Bhd已獲得具約束力和不可撤銷的要約,收購其意大利單位FBm Hudson Italiana SpA的全部股份,總金額為1650萬歐元(約合RM8499萬)。總部位於米蘭的Bm Carpenterie Oil & Gas SRL提出以990萬歐元收購FBm Hudson 60%的股份,而總部位於維羅納的Officine Piccoli SpA則尋求購入剩餘40%的股份,付款為660萬歐元。這些要約是在意大利政府拒絕KNm Europa BV向阿拉伯聯合酋長國的Petro MAt FZCO出售其在FBm Hudson的全部股份後提出的。新的要約將使FBm Hudson的估值低於Petro MAT先前的2200萬歐元要約。
$KPJ (5878.MY)$:KPJ Healthcare Bhd的凈利润在截至12月31日的第四季度增长近16%。, 2023 from a year earlier thanks to higher patient numbers and tax writeback. Net profit for the quarter was RM7339萬 compared with RM6341萬. Revenue rose 19% year-on-year to RM91150萬 from RM76580萬 as patient numbers gained 4%. The company declareda single-tier interim dividend of 1 sen per share.For the full year, net profit surged 57.75% to RM26340萬 from RM16698萬 in FY2022 as revenue increased to RM34.2億 from RM28.7億. At a press conference, president and managing director Chin Keat Chyuan said the group's major shareholder Johor Corp has set a 40% revenue contribution target for its health tourism segment within the next four years, from 8.5% currently.
$SNS (0259.MY)$: SNS Network Technology Bhd (SNS Network) hassecured a contract from Esri Malaysia Sdn Bhd to offer geographical information system (GIS) solutions for an undisclosed value.SNS Network will mainly market, distribute, and sell the GIS solutions to Esri's existing and potential customers from small and medium enterprises, public companies, and government agencies in Malaysia. The contract is expected to strengthen SNS Network's presence in the GIS market and expand its customer base in Malaysia.
$BHIC (8133.MY)$: The proposed disposal of BHIC's 20.77% stake in BNS to the Ministry of Finance (Inc) for RM1has been extended for the fifth time, to March 31最初條件履行的截止日期為2023年10月3日,後來延長至2024年1月31日。雙方已同意延期,因為需要額外時間履行RM1億交易的條件前提。BHIC在BNS的股份出售是政府計劃的一部分,旨在完全掌控價值91.3億令吉的LCS項目,而BNS未能按時交付。
$ICTZONE (03038.MY)$ICt Zone Asia Bhd正在考慮從LEAP市場轉移到馬來西亞股票交易所的ACE市場,在其擁有72.85%股份的ICt Zone Holding Bhd的要求信函後
資訊來源:Dow Jones Newswires, Bursa Malaysia, The Malaysian Reserve, The Star, The EDGE
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