$PTT (7010.MY)$,$SIMEPROP (5288.MY)$PTt Synergy Group Bhd(KL:PTT)已獲得來自Sime Darby Property Bhd(KL:SIMEPROP)價值16985萬令吉的合同。第一份價值9661萬令吉的合同是為了拉貢馬斯,隆坡甲板Gombak的第1階段(第1節和第2節)的地基工程及附屬工程建設和完成。集團通過其全資擁有的Pembinaan Tetap Teguh Sdn Bhd,從Sime Darby Property(Lagong)Sdn Bhd,Sime Darby Property的全資擁有單位手中收到了該項目的中標通知書。
$DIALOG (7277.MY)$Dialog Group Bhd(KL:DIALOG)報告指出,其截至2024年3月31日的第三季度(3QFY2024)淨利潤較去年同期上升了19%,得益於較高的上游產出。該季度的淨利潤為15616萬令吉,而去年同期為13081萬令吉。然而,該季度的營業收入同比下降了13%,從80279萬令吉降至70220萬令吉。集團宣布了1.5仙的中期股息,而前一相應時期為1.3仙。
$TM (4863.MY)$Telekom Malaysia Bhd(KL:TM)宣布已與內政部在最近的2024年國防服務亞洲展覽會暨會議及國家安全亞洲2024中簽訂了價值12050萬令吉的兩份合同。該合同授予了TM的全資子公司Tm Technology Services Sdn Bhd。該集團對馬來西亞The Edge周刊的一篇文章作出回應,聲稱這些合同是TM集團業務的一部分,並不重大。
$ATECH (5302.MY)$阿烈里烏斯科技有限公司(KL:ATECH)宣布計劃在未來五年投資4,5000萬令吉,在吉打州古里姆高科技園區占地571,908平方英尺的工業用地上建立一個新的製造中心。該公司全資擁有的子公司BCm Electronics Corp Sdn Bhd舉行了奠基儀式,慶祝新製造中心的建設正式開始。該發展計劃的第一階段將涉及一個名為P5的製造廠,面積超過243,977平方英尺,擁有12,945平方英尺的先進製造和研發空間,以及清潔室設施。該廠預計將於2024年底完工。
$AME (5293.MY)$AME Elite Consortium Bhd(KL:AME)宣布以2,098.4萬令吉的現金將柔佛新山布萊地區超過34.91英畝的11塊永久產權地段出售給總部位於香港的idc概念運營商Digital Hyperspace Malaysia Sdn Bhd(DHM)。這些地段位於i-TechValley,一個位於南部工業和物流枢纽(SILC)的佔地170英畝的工業園區,並且需獲得柔佛州政府辦公室和其他相關當局的批准,如果相應的土地登記需要經濟規劃局的無異議書信。
$MULPHA (3905.MY)$Mulpha International Bhd(KL:MULPHA)周一宣布其澳大利亞子公司Mulpha Norwest Pty Ltd已接受來自National Australia Bank Ltd的1億澳元(約合3,1307萬令吉)現金預付設施。這筆現金預付將用於資金借款的再融資和營運資本。此設施包括9,000萬澳元的循環設施和1,000萬澳元的銀行保證設施。Mulpha Norwest的主要業務是房地產開發。
$UZMA (7250.MY)$Uzma Bhd(KL:UZMA)周一宣布已獲得價值9,270萬美元(43,900萬令吉)的合同,用於執行PTTEP International Ltd的Zawtika氣田項目的鋼圈管和泵送服務。該合同自2024年5月1日起開始,將持續到2026年6月30日。這是Uzma自2024年初以來的第六個獲得的合同,其中包括來自Shell的合同,提供集成生產和完整性化學品及相關服務。
$GUOCO (1503.MY)$: GuocoLand (Malaysia) Bhd (KL:GUOCO) reported a 66.3% decline in net profit for the third quarter ended March 31, 2024 (3QFY2024), due to lower revenue from its property development division. This was partially offset by a better performance of the hospitality division, thanks to higher occupancy and better average room rates. The company's net profit for the quarter under review was RM294萬, compared to RM871萬 a year earlier, on the back of a 20.8% decline in revenue to RM8897萬 from RM11236萬.
$SWIFT (5303.MY)$: Swift Haulage Bhd (KL:SWIFT) reported that its net profit more than doubled in the first quarter from a year earlier, thanks to a one-off gain from a stake sale, as well as higher revenue. The company's net profit for the three months ended March 31, 2024 (1QFY2024) was RM2114萬, compared to RM1013萬 over the same period last year. Revenue for the quarter was up 8.9% year-on-year to RM17935萬 from RM16475萬, due to the increase in fleet capacity for land transportation, as well as the expansion of warehouse in auto logistics and the increase in depot business.
$PA (7225.MY)$: PA Resources Bhd (KL:PA) reported that its net profit for the third financial quarter ended March 31, 2024, jumped by more than 51 times year-on-year, mostly contributed by its main extrusion and fabrication segment. The aluminium extruder reported a net profit of RM1243萬, up from RM239,000 for the previous year's corresponding quarter, while revenue was up 62.4% to RM13777萬 from RM8481萬.
Source: Dow Jones Newswires, Bursa Malaysia, The Malaysian Reserve, The Star, The EDGE
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