在多個臨床前試驗中展示出與risankizumab具有相似結合親和力和表位的等效效力 MENLO PARk, Calif., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oruka Therapeutics, Inc. ("Oruka") (NASDAQ:ORKA), a biotechnology company developing novel biologics designed to set a new standard for the treatment of chronic skin diseases including plaque psoriasis (PsO), today announced new preclinical data on ORKA-001, a novel extended half-life monoclonal antibody targeting IL-23p19, from its presentation at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress (EADV). •ORKA-001 has an NHP half-life of 30.3 days following SQ administration and 33.8 days following IV administration, over three times longer than risankizumab and one of the longest NHP half-lives observed for an extended half-life antibody. Projections of ORKA-001 pharmacokinetics (PK) in humans indicate that a human half-life of approximately 50 days could enable dosing once every six months, while a human half-life of approximately 75 days could enable once-yearly dosing. The NHP half-life observed for ORKA-001 supports the potential to achieve these extended dosing intervals given that other YTE-modified antibodies have had an approximately two to four times longer half-life in humans than in NHPs. In addition, the extended half-life of ORKA-001 could result in higher antibody exposures than risankizumab, which could lead to greater efficacy.