•這篇論文重申Aramchol 300mg BID對代謝機能紊亂相關脂質肝炎(MASH)患者具有顯著的抗纖維化效果 •資料經過3個客觀測試確認;NASH CRN、成對排名閱讀和人工智慧(AI)定量數字分析 •抗纖維化試驗中持續生成的組織學纖維化分數,通過數字病理圖像分析(DIA)比傳統病理學具有更大的靈敏度和更大的動態範圍量化抗纖維化效果 TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Nasdaq:GLMD) ("Galmed" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company for liver, metabolic and fibro-inflammatory diseases announced today that the one-year results of the Open-Label part (ARCON ) of its global Phase 3 trial of Aramchol in 150 patients with NASH and fibrosis (ARMOR) have been published inHepatology。 Previously, Galmed reportedresults from the Open-Label part of its Phase 3 NASH study, which demonstrated that treatment with Aramchol 300mg BID resulted in a high rate of subjects with histological fibrosis improvement. Aramchol是全球貨幣SCD-1 (硬脂酰 - 輔酶A脫飽和酶) 在臨床開發中最先進的下調節劑。最近對SCD-1的抑制已在多個症狀中進行調查,再次強調其代謝主開關的潛力和在多個器官和活動中的重要性。Aramchol通過瞄準這個單一受體,誘導了一系列事件,導致兩個主要變化;在肝細胞中,Aramchol提高了脂肪酸氧化(換句話說 – 燃燒脂肪),並影響AMPk,從而還導致降低血糖參數;在肝星狀細胞中,已顯示Aramchol下調硬脂酰 - 輔酶A脫飽和酶-1 (SCD-1)的表達和活性,從而直接影響纖維形成。