Junius Falcon
It is a buy low game, important is to learn how to identify lows. You can buy in tranches, in case you miss, you can still buy the next lower level, reduce your average cost, so that when it go back up, your time is not wasted and your profit will be better.
MoneyManyMan 樓主 : 光明的一面是,回調沒有下跌到之前的130區間
Matrix 404 : Hussein將在他的數據中心中買入所有英偉達!!!200亿美元的投資!
MoneyManyMan 樓主 Matrix 404 : 在狗籠裏關不住老虎太久... 2025年我們將見證新的高度... 請相信我
71124055 : 英偉達今天我虧一千多.我沒買
MoneyManyMan 樓主 71124055 : 看未來,看蓬勃發展的行業板塊,我們有沒有看到任何人工智能機器人被收購???? 遲早我們會看到。 人工智能仍處於蓬勃發展的階段。
我也期待着達到新的高度... 微軟將在2025年投資800亿美元在人工智能上,其他巨頭目前還沒有消息... 對自己的投資有信心,我們可能無法與大公司競爭,但我們可以相信自己
Junius Falcon MoneyManyMan 樓主 : Exactly, SP500 back to where it was, this is still higher, an outperform look
Junius Falcon 71124055 : It is a buy low game, important is to learn how to identify lows. You can buy in tranches, in case you miss, you can still buy the next lower level, reduce your average cost, so that when it go back up, your time is not wasted and your profit will be better.